wait a minute


13.06.2020 19:23
Linkok hear me out

13.06.2020 19:25
Linkif somebody had 600 followers, and lets say 60 of them were dead accounts, 50 of them just follow everybody and 40 don't care about their art. that leaves max 400 people to comment, like and just yea. then why does this person only get about 20 people who care? tbh I don't know

13.06.2020 19:27
Linkand they only get a few likes on each anim DESPITE having so many followers. Even if 100 of them were offline that STILL leaves like 300 to care, but they don't. SO when you ask why do you follow me? just think of this

13.06.2020 19:30
Linksee this anim only got 1 like, even though I have 229 followers, lets say 150 were offline, dead accounts, don't care or just follow everybody. I still have like 80 people who should care. I even added more people than i should have to those 150 and yet i only have 25 max loyal followers ;-; WEIRD
Comment removed

13.06.2020 19:34
LinkSO from experience I sometimes like and leave stuff because idk what to say or do, and if most of my followers do that then lets say they add to that 150, we get 200. SO in conclusion about 85% of your followers don't care about your art, like and leave or are offline, dead accounts or follow everybody. Even with that you should still have a few people left right? WRONG sometimes those numbers go up so 100% of your followers contribute to that number and you get 0 like, 0 comments and no love. what is the POINT of having followers if they don't care. ;-; contemplate this and if you have something to say please do comment it.

13.06.2020 19:36
LinkSend this to someone who has lots of followers, and know what i am talking about, so they can help me with this "math" ;-;

13.06.2020 19:41
Linkeven ssg and promagma don't get 2000 likes every time ;-;

13.06.2020 19:44
Linkim not attention seeking i just find this funny lol