burn the house down map


18.05.2020 18:50
Linklamme type

18.05.2020 18:50

18.05.2020 18:50
Linkso this is my oc map, a little bit of his backstory... cause why not.

18.05.2020 18:51
Linkso rule
this will/might go on youtube
not a whole page filled with blood
and no 18+

18.05.2020 19:10
Link Used to keep it cool
Used to be a fool
All about the bounce in my step
*Oscar walking in the forest*
(words stop 7 secs)
*his eyes nerrow, hearing fighting*
(words stop 10 sec)
*he looks up and looks at the 'camera'*
*ill do this one* Watch it on the news
Whatcha gonna do?
I could hit refresh and forget
*he see's a dark black cat, fighting with a gray cat, but black cat notices him, but still fights*
Should I keep it light?
Stay out of the fight?
No one's gonna listen to me
*he watches as the black cat kills the other cat*
If I write a song
Preaching what is wrong
*Oscar looks back down and he walks away*
Will they let me sing on TV?
Should I keep it light?
Is that right?
*he go's to a place to rest, and then the black cat comes to him, Oscar bounces up and Dashes to get away*
Way up, way up we go
Been up and down that road
Way up, way up, oh no
*then he is singing to the lyric as he is running*

18.05.2020 19:19
LinkWe gon' burn the whole house down
Watch me stand in the line
* he goes to his cave where other animals where*
You're only serving lies
You've got something to hide
*he sits there waiting for others to come, and the (she) cat that took care of him sat by Oscar*
We gon' burn the whole house down
*she asked what was wrong*
(ill do) (words stop for 13 sec)
*he tells her was he saw/did*
We gon' burn the whole house down
*she said "ok, it is fine lets get rest."*
(word stop for 6 secs)
*he said "okay." and lays down*
Yeah, used to let it go
Walk into the show
*he closes his eyes*
Too good to be true
Fool, I'm in a room
*in his dream he wakes up where that one cat died, and looks around*

18.05.2020 19:39
Link(ill do) Full of entertainers and thieves
Used to let it go
*a shadow of him walks out of the bushes*
(music stops fr 6 secs)
* both sharpen there claws and look at each other*
Woah, oh no
*the black cat jumps in the air*
Way up, way up we go
Been up and down that road
Way up, way up, oh no
*they fight*
We gon' burn the whole house down
Watch me stand in the line
*in the dream the black cat kills Oscar, and then he wakes up*
ou're only serving lies
You've got something to hide
We gon' burn the whole house down
* he walks around and it zooms into his eye (the blue part)*
(words stop for 10 sec)
*it zoom out of him seeing his adoptive mom, fighting the black cat*
We gon' burn the whole house down
*it then zooms into his scarf, (cause why not)*
ill do(words stop for 23 sec)
it zooms out from his scarf and he its there looking down at his 'mom*
Should I hang my head low?
Should I bite my tongue?
Or should I march with every stranger
*he sings as h

18.05.2020 19:49
Linke sits*
from Twitter to get it done?
Used to hang my head low
*he sitll is singing and sitting*
Used to hang my head low
Now I hear it loud
Every stranger from Twitter is gonna burn this down
*he opens his eyes and stands but he still sings (lol)*
Way up, way up we go
Been up and down that road
Way up, way up, oh no
We gon' burn the whole house down
*the black cat grins and sings (Oscar stoped)*
Watch me stand in the line (whoa oh)
You're only serving lies (yeah)
*both shapen there claws*
You've got something to hide
We gon' burn the whole house down
*they sprint to each other*
(words stop for 20 sec)
*they fight*
ill do) We gon' burn the whole house down
We burn it down, we burn it down,
We gon' burn the whole house down
*Oscar wins and a shooting star passes*

18.05.2020 19:50
Linkmk so ill do the pallets for the cats oscar's ref you already saw so brb real quick

18.05.2020 19:50

18.05.2020 19:53
Linkbtw in the begeing he has 2 good eyes, and no mettle thing. the mettle leg thing shows up at the "(words stop for 10 sec)
*it zoom out of him seeing his adoptive mom, fighting the black cat*" part and the eye part comes in at "(words stop for 20 sec)
*they fight*"

18.05.2020 20:12

18.05.2020 20:16
Linkso im doing
4,17,25,27-29, and the last part

18.05.2020 20:18
Link(and there will be a contest for who can do the best though nail

21.05.2020 05:50
Linkcan I use my oc as a back up character???

21.05.2020 14:58

21.05.2020 14:58
Linkwhat part

21.05.2020 15:39
Linkill choose