

20.07.2019 21:02
LinkAppalachia wandered through the dark streets, Glowstone lamps casting striped shadows across the ground. She looked around, wondering if she would find another clue as to where her secret lover was hiding tonight.
He always set up these games for her. It made finding him easier, and more interesting. She glanced to her left and saw it. A small sheet of paper was shoved carelessly into a small shrub, concealed enough to be hidden from all eyes except for ones that were looking.
She carefully removed to note, and unfolded it. It read: "where the sun is scorching, and water is like a desert flower, this is where I'm waiting."
She looked around once more and quickly stuffed it into her coat pocket. He MUST mean the desert. She thought. I mean, he IS a Sandwing.
She shrugged and spread her wings, soaring into the air. She flew quickly, the night air chilling her a little. She shook it off, continuing towards the District of Sand.

20.07.2019 21:02
LinkAppalachia squinted at the sight of the oasis below her. It was shaped a bit like a flower. This MUST be where Scotch intended for her to find him. She tilted her snout towards the ground, and drawing her wings close to her body, dove towards the desert sand.
She unfurled her wings to catch her fall, and landed softly and elegantly, her talons instantly sinking into the sand.
She looked around, searching for his familiar face. She took a step forward, when she stepped onto something hard. Whatever it was was rising out of the sand, and it barreled into her, crushing her into the ground. She screamed, and kicked him off of her, jumping onto her feet.
The dragon grabbed his bandana and lowered it to his neck. It was Scotch. He smiled cheekily and he laughed, and laughed.
Her fear turned into anger. "What the heck, Scotch! I could've hurt you!" He completely ignored her and pulled her into a hug.
He then whispered in her ear a single question, making this moment one that she will never forget.

20.07.2019 21:02
Link"Will you marry me?"
Comment removed

20.07.2019 21:12
LinkYe same i guess XD

20.07.2019 21:13
LinkAw sad. Why??? I spent lots of time writing itttt qwq

20.07.2019 21:17
Linkyess marry him appalachia

20.07.2019 21:17
LinkI will read it tomorrow :33

20.07.2019 21:17
Linki read it, its really interesting

20.07.2019 21:19
LinkAwwe thank you!! I'm glad someone liked it!! ^^