

20.02.2018 03:23

20.02.2018 03:54
LinkIM AN ALIEN WITCH!~o*. das how

*Cries louder* ;v; cuz i am one human being with 346 followers and have done about 60 free drawings in the span of a month and theres only so much i can do when im a 20 year old in need of a job so i have to say no to giving everyone a request so i dont die
Its literally nothing personal and im so sorry im trying my best
thank you!<3333333333333333 @Unicornsarecool888

I work on a computer (idk if it works for phones) but
Under the lil work area on the bottom menu theres a grey gear
Hover your mouse over it and a mini menu pops up and at the top theres
Load/Save project on disk
Red arrow+paper downloads the anim to your computer
Green arrow lets you upload that file bac in the work area