Why are my animations not.....
03.06.2021 14:59
LinkI am producing great animations, and I have almost 100 likes, and 14 followers, but that doesn't matter. I am almost completely dead. I really hope I can get back up to be a "Good" animator because I think it is really fun to make your own stories. And at last, out of all the things I have been through, I still enjoy making animations on this website. Thank you flipanim, for even just existing. And there is a major problem. The people that start out as beginners and then become masters but have only 4 followers, I hope you read this message because you need to be popular on this website for you to even got recognized. There also should be a recent animation tab posting all the newest animations updating every minute so people can see the massive amounts of animations that pour in. I really hope this feature gets added because i know and have seen some of the great animators out there that just don't get enough credit and appreciation. thank you for reading this message.
-Roller is Coasting
03.06.2021 15:00
03.06.2021 17:01
LinkI don't really care
09.06.2021 11:59
LinkI am one of those people with only 5 followers... #issadbecausenotaspopularasfriendsare
09.06.2021 12:00
LinkThough honestly, I don't think anyone cares
09.06.2021 12:43
LinkMAke a meme
09.06.2021 12:43
Linkthen u be popularRRRRRRRRRRR