Chuck Bartowski (CHUCK)
Dont cross the boss
kirby but its drawn terribly
Rough Animation #2
rant about ch
19.08.2020 15:35
19.08.2020 15:35
LinkI like the fandom countryhumans but sometimes people in the fandom piss me off
19.08.2020 15:38
Linkyo so um
people in the fandom will literally give you crap for not liking a certain ship
19.08.2020 15:40
Linkthis just might be me but-
people who make nazi a "cute owo shortie kitty boy" i dislike what your doing tbh. and its always the people who do gacha. I hate that sooo much
19.08.2020 15:41
Linkstop making regimes "cute owo shortie uwu nerdy neko gay"
like who the hell thinks the 3rd reich (nazis) cute??
19.08.2020 15:44
LinkOnce i said "You should make other ships than Rusame" On a countryhumans ship book, I got soo much crap for it.
19.08.2020 15:46
Then theres people who literally take other peoples animations without their permission in a video (you know those gacha countryhumans react to animation memes?)- then they get mad when the person gets mad about their animation being in the video (i dont blame them)
19.08.2020 15:49
Linkthe 3rd reich is not OWO nor is USSR, J.E, F.I, Yugoslav, Or any of those types of regimes.
I have seen people making the confedrate "cute owo" it pisses me
19.08.2020 15:51
they literally make them have "cat ears owo!!!"
19.08.2020 15:52
19.08.2020 15:55
Linka bit unrelated but-)
those people who make the "countries/fandom {in gacha}reacts to animation memes"
HOW COME the person who made the stupid reaction thing gets like 200k+ views then the person who actually made the animation??? they get nothing.
Then the countries reacting to animation memes dont even look good, it looks terrible, Theres no editing in those stupid reaction things and they get so much attention!?!?!?
I dont get that.
19.08.2020 15:58
Linkive seen one of those stupid gacha things get 600k+ views in 2 days?!?
i dont get it. Im not jealous at all. Its just kinda infruting that the people who make low edit gacha things get so much attention but...
the people who actually put in effort/ make their own animation/ ACTUALLY draw? they get no attention???
unrelated but:
gacha has killed the animation meme community tbfh
19.08.2020 16:01
Linkthey have literally killed every fandom they have came across.
the animation meme community is full of that stuff.
the ONLY people who are excluded from this are people who actually edit and animate gacha and dont make that type of crappy content that fandom is full of.
19.08.2020 16:03
LinkHere we go.
Stop making regimes cute.
Stop giving people crap for not liking rusame
Stop making the confedrate cute
Stop ship shaming people who also dont like Third-Union.
STOP making countryhumans in gacha and calling it "good".
19.08.2020 16:05
Linkhonestly.. now that think about it..
2/3 countryhumans rusame youtbers have this terrible rusame au
19.08.2020 16:07
Linkalot of times..Gacha.. its soooo low effort...
19.08.2020 16:09
Link semi gacha rant:
19.08.2020 16:10
Linkthose people who make a decent looking thumbnail with those stupid cliches about "2 boyfriends owo"
They dont even edit the video itself and they get 300k+ views?!??
19.08.2020 16:11
LinkHalf of the gacha community has no skill with editing hair or something- most of them make these low effort edits and get attention.
19.08.2020 16:12
LinkStop making the femboy cliche
Your literally making me hate femboy characters, Its gotten that bad i started to h8 femboy charatcers.
Thats SAD.
19.08.2020 16:12
LinkGay characters dont wear all pink or skirts all the time.
19.08.2020 16:17
LinkDid i talk about these stupid Singing battles?
Like these stupid countryhuman gacha singing vids, Son vs Dad????
dont get me started on that crap
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yeah the low effort gacha community needs to stop i dont even know if they credit the animators or not because i never clicked on one i just thought it was stupid
if you REALLY wanna do a good effort countryhumans react to animation memes try doing literal animation to put more interaction and tell what the flags actually are but not everyone isnt good at animation so i dont blame them for using gacha but try putting for effort into it actually
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Yeah i used to s u c k at art and look at my art now its better than ever yes it did take four years of drawing by scratch i did like it! i found a drawing a made four years ago once an it was just a stick man and now im drawing animals and humans (rarely ever humans) and people can take the same journey its always good to draw no matter if someone says its trash or not you could even end up being ana animator of one of the ost famous animated movies of all time if you try hard enough but all it really takes is improvement
I saw my art when i was 8
I cringed hard at it, But over the years, I improved any my art turned into what I currently have today!
But this artstyle will not stay the same, its probably goona change slowly or improve.
I remember I used to use Bases to draw. Like MLP
And look at me! I can make bases now!
I also barely draw humans.
I used to look at yeager, rossail, sleepykinq and all the other animators art when i was younger.
I was inspired by kittydog- and i completely copied off of her style and started to change i dont understand but i did improve fast probably bc i had people as my inspiration my art style is cool as it is but im slowly changing the improving by the day i used to use mlp as a drawing start- i used to draw the main 6 mainly pinkie pie- im now looking at people who draw humans' art like sonadrawsstuff and so on to learn how to draw humans