Venerum Wazowski

Practice Emotions

Can can can you do the can-can

"You're My Superstar!" ♡

For a friend


Stop,don't talk to me
Cigarette smoke


06.02.2022 07:05
LinkCigarette smoke and candy
Everythung was fine and dandy

06.02.2022 07:07
LinkUp until she met randy
He smelt if cigarette smoke
His hold on her caused her to choke
So strong but gave in
She knew it was wrong partcipating in sin

06.02.2022 07:21
LinkOh but what he made her do,
Yes its true she rues the day she let his cigarette smoke scent intoxicate her heart
He tore her to bits, ripped her apart
Rape thwy say is often covered in red tape
But its fine, they belittle her on trial
And it never gets prosseced or noted on his file.
They say her clothes are indictive of her character
And shes sitting thinking this is not fair
Now shes sitting there drowning in cigarette smoke and cheap wine as her thoughts reap her mind. Downing cigarettes and candy sippibg on brandy
Astrewn across the couch, raining in self pity draining her money pretending she was witty,
But no, its all a lie, shes not whitty nor smart
She let him in her heart, if she was whitty or smart
She would have won, it would all be done the jury would cast him to jail in a hurry, and she needn't worry, but she does worry, because the judge dismissed him now her future is ****ing dim, because shes fulk to the brim with fear and hate he should have been the one to indicate that he

06.02.2022 07:30
LinkStill watched her from the street, into the window wacthes what he tattered and beat and he swears one day hell be back like a flash and crack, he wont ring the bell he'll stomp in raise hell, she'll have no one to tell, the dead doesnt speak, the sheets will be stained red, shell be spread across the bed, take her heart make a fine bread, its because of him, shes gone, its because of them she got lost in her head. They failed her, now there has been a murder, everyone knows it was him, theres talk in the town, "how many must we lose, the jury acts as if it gets to pick and choose" shes on the front of the news, she still rues the day when he didnt pay, sin was dealt and the cards she spoke filled with candy and cigarette smoke

06.02.2022 07:30
LinkWhips and naes naes
There yall get a looksie at ny poetry