22.09.2023 14:43
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24.09.2023 13:23
LinkClover and Nickle was just exploring a cave full of colorful crystals but since they hate each other Clover pushed Nickle Nickle was Mad and stood up after he stand up he saw A Phone stuck with chains all over his limbs clover went there and also saw Him Clover was Surprised she ran to him And Trying to break the Chains The cave was shaking Mephone was Scared That it would happen AGAIN Clover was breaking the chains since she has LOTS of luck She Was finished and Took mephones hand and ran Back at the hotel OJ was just bored waiting to go to the movie theater Even though He didn't wanted to come clover came In and OJ ran Down stairs and saw Mephone the Whole Crew saw him Mephone tried to escape but clover Denied and Hugged him Mephone was Not glad Soap Randomly said " lets go to the barbie movie!!" The whole crew was excited about it but OJ wasnt OJ said " I'll stay here The crew said " ok?" And left OJ got mephones hand gently and ask him If he wants to watch some Spy kids with him ( Thats my favorite movie)

24.09.2023 13:49
LinkMe phone noded and sat on the sofa with cheese popcorn The movie began Mephone leaned on OJ OJ was not blushing but looking at him and Eating pop corn as the movie began Mephone was amazed He reached his hand OJ was chuckling mean while the crew Watching the barbie movie 2 hours long They regerted watching it And were not satisfied with the movie Mephone was Amazed still OJ Was Putting his hand slowly on his head Mephone was eating some pop corn OJ saw some black goo on his face OJ got a napkin Trying to wipe it off but mephone didnt want to so he moved OJ understand but then Saw a book about the black blood He stopped and Hugged him Mephone was blushing As hell and hugged him also