

20.10.2019 23:26
Linkjoshua: *glances at you* *nest thing you know you're in a large organized room* welcome to my room babe~ *my head is cleared and my flustered aura fades away, now a more flirty, mischievous aura retains its place*

20.10.2019 23:28
LinkAoi: it's nice but not where I wanted my focus to be~

20.10.2019 23:31
Linkjoshua: hm? so where do you want to go?

20.10.2019 23:31
Aoi: it's nice but not where I wanted my focus to be~ *bites at Joshua's ear lobe*
(oh shit, things gonna become real)

20.10.2019 23:33
LinkAoi: *whispers* In your lap~

20.10.2019 23:36
Link(o-o hot-)
joshua: *blushes with a sly smirk* *tugs on your pants*

20.10.2019 23:38
Link(I'm like dying over in this ****ing rp, like D A M N. whoo )
Aoi: bites harder* *hissed* Faster, damn it~

20.10.2019 23:44
Link(im used to this happening -w-" man why cant my male oc's STAY VIRGIN???)
joshua: owchies, *with a swift movement you're completely bare exept for a shirt* *a strand of my hair turns neon pink as my nails become a strawberry pink.* *my pupils become red hearts*

20.10.2019 23:53
Link( w h e e z e. )
Aoi: mm, sorry baby. *kisses the earlobe they just bitten to soothe the pain and gives peck kisses across his jaw and to the indent of his jaw and neck and softly bites and then gives a love bite *

20.10.2019 23:56
Linkjoshua: *tenses up a lil bit* *i slide off my own pants and boxers as i know this'll end up with my dick in his ass..*

20.10.2019 23:59
LinkAoi: *whisper murmurs something as one hand reaches lower and between his legs as the other one, around Joshua's waist *

21.10.2019 00:09
Linkjoshua: didnt i tell you to speak louder~

21.10.2019 00:39
LinkAoi; *the hand between his legs caresses and added pressure, his lips getting more hungry * Only when I get hear you moan~

21.10.2019 00:40
Linkjosua: n-not gonna happen buddy *grunts*

21.10.2019 00:41
Link*is struggling

21.10.2019 00:59
LinkAoi: oh really? you cant hold out that long babe, ill make sure of it..~
*pressure lessens, to a feathery touch then adds pressure to the tip, then drags *

21.10.2019 14:21
Linkjoshua: *a sly smirk appears on my face*

21.10.2019 14:25
Linkjoshua: tsk tsk tsk~ *my pupils become little slits as my fangs widen*

21.10.2019 14:29
Link*my smirk becomes a grin as my head tilts to the side*

21.10.2019 23:32
LinkAoi: * voice is a dark purr* you like that babe?~

21.10.2019 23:35
Linkjoshua: kitty~ please dont mess with a dragon~ *snap mah finger* *your clothing completely disappear*

21.10.2019 23:59
Link(o h. )
Aoi: *adrenaline pumps through his body and need * But I like to take risks, it makes me feel alive~ Encluding with you.~

22.10.2019 00:02
Link( uwu experience is K E Y-)
joshua: im top~ got it~! you might've got me off track for a moment but that wont happen again~ *pins you onto my bed*

22.10.2019 00:09
Link( q u es t i o n m a r k i n t e n s i f i e s )
Aoi: * is blushing heavily * but your so delicious to touch~

22.10.2019 00:13
Link(a h- u h m- n o t h i n g ! ! !)
joshua: well thank you~ *leans in* hehe~ *strokes your dick* turn around for your daddy~

22.10.2019 00:20
Link( mmm-hmm sure )
Aoi: * Obeys gladly while sneaking in a quick squeeze grab of Joshua's balls*

22.10.2019 00:23
Link(IM DYING XD never in my life has someone said that in a sin rp)
joshua: *yelps, and jumps in surprise* ò//x//ó

22.10.2019 00:26
Link( w e l l, i g u e s s i m A L W A Y S the N u m b e r 1 )
Aoi: Mmm, i love those new sounds~

22.10.2019 00:29
Link(pee- lmao yep uwu)

22.10.2019 00:32
Linkjoshua: Ũ//^//Ũ *slides off my pants and boxers* *sighs* you'll be the one making sounds next shortie.

22.10.2019 00:35
LinkAoi: * slides leg apart more and tilts ass up more, to get in a better position *

22.10.2019 00:39
Linkjoshua: *blushes with a smirk* *pauses* wait- *gets down on a knee and looks at your ass closer* awwwwww you have the cutest strawberry asshole EVER!!!

22.10.2019 00:44
Link( w h a t- * is now concerned * )
Aoi: ....what-?

22.10.2019 00:51
Linkjoshua: not everyone has a strawberry ass, its a rare instance where someones ass in a pink color and much softer then usual asses bUt you have one and its the cutest (▰˘◡˘▰)

22.10.2019 00:53
LinkAoi: * regrets thinking if he would see if it would taste like strawberries and if he would, knowing that he would sense to read his thoughts *....thank you.

22.10.2019 00:59
Linkjoshua: *snorts- then begins to giggles at the thought* cute~~~ ok ok do you want me to **** youu yet im probs taking to long haha.

22.10.2019 01:04
LinkAoi: * flushes with a dark crimson and props his upper body on a pillow as his answer * ....

22.10.2019 01:09
Linkjoshua: *slowly puts le dicc in ze asshole* oooo~ so tight~!

22.10.2019 01:13
LinkAoi: * whimper and drops his head, closing his eyes, and shudders a breath *

22.10.2019 01:21
Linkjoshua: *pants*

22.10.2019 01:31
LinkAoi: *lifts ass higher, and spreads legs more to get him more fully *
Mmm~ Daddy, more~

22.10.2019 01:36
Linkjoshua: *smirks* *my eyes turn from yellow to red* *begins to thrust* haah~

22.10.2019 01:55
LinkAoi: *Moans and fists the bedsheets and begins to follow that rhythm *

22.10.2019 01:57
Linkjoshua: *grunts a bit* *begins to moan just a tiny bit* *thrusts faster*

22.10.2019 02:07
LinkAoi: Hah~ *pants and moans more, whimpering some*

22.10.2019 02:15
Linkjoshua: y-you ok baby~ mm~!

22.10.2019 02:19
LinkAoi: Never *pant* been * pant* mmm~ better~.
*Somewhat more of breathless * God, you feel amazing~ *moan*

22.10.2019 02:23
Linkjoshua: *lil bloosh* cute~ * thrusts a bit faster*

22.10.2019 02:50
LinkAoi: *sharp gasp, and whimper and lifts ass up higher, grabbing the sheets up tighter, and basically mewing in the pillow *

22.10.2019 14:33
Linkjoshua: *smirks* cute moan babe~ *places one hand on your nipples and massages them* *then places the other hand and starts jacking you off as i thrust into you* lets see who lasts longer~ *whispers*

23.10.2019 00:26
LinkAoi: Fuuuuuuck~ *More moans and Whimpers of delight and pleasure, as he tenses and relaxes with every shiver in his body * hah~ hah~ *uneven quick breathes and bites down on his lip to quiet a scream of pleasure *

23.10.2019 00:30
Linkjoshua: *notices the lip biting* i told you to stop thatttt *taps your lips again* cutie you seem to be enjoying yourself~

23.10.2019 00:41
LinkAoi: * pants and obeys* hah~- You just(pant) make it (pant)that way~ * a small moan appears and he closes his eyes and drops his head back*

23.10.2019 00:43
Linkjoshua: hehe of course~ *begins to full on thrust*

23.10.2019 00:53
LinkAoi: *A sharp bit of pain flashes over in his face but then full pleasure and he begs for him, trying to seek his mouth *

23.10.2019 01:03
Linkjoshua: f-****...~

23.10.2019 01:10
LinkAoi: * Sobs of pleasure escape his mouth and into the damp air, along with his body tensing * I-I'm about t-too- *swallows and inhales * hah~

23.10.2019 01:21
Linkjoshua: t-told you ya wouldnt last long baby~ *is despretly holding back the moans*

23.10.2019 01:24
LinkAoi: You not either, your holding back on me~ *kisses his neck, and bites, and suckles, trying to smother the scream about to evolve out of his mouth *

23.10.2019 01:27
Linkjoshua: mmmmh~ gah~ f-****~
(sTaHp SuCkiNg mYnEcK nO mIlK gOnNa cOmE oUt dAt)

23.10.2019 01:36
Link(WhEeZe, i gOt TaH tRY )
Aoi: Wonderful sounds you have babe~ mmmm~ Hah Hah~ *tenses and gasps *
*trembles, and spasms* *leans back on Joshua as he releases and gives screams and moans of pleasure *

23.10.2019 01:53
joshua: *pants* mmh~! urk- haaaah~ *relief fills me as i finally released*
Comment removed

23.10.2019 02:01
Link(question mark intensifies at the comment deleted. I didn't get to see it )
Aoi: *Goes limp and languid, breathing fast *

23.10.2019 02:02
Link(oh duplicate comment uwu)
joshua: *pulls it out* mmh~

23.10.2019 03:01
Link( makes sense )
Aoi: *breathing fast, and uneven, still floating from euphoria, limp and languid, missing how full Joshua made him full. He whimpers, still spasming some * mmhah~

23.10.2019 03:10
Link(gtg ;-;)
joshua: *tired panting, blushing mess. he misses the tight grope aoi's ass had on his dick* d-damn i havent had sex like that in a long ass time *pant*actually.. ive never haden sex like that.. last time anyones ever been close to making me cum has been.. 200? or 300? years.. you.. you succeeded.. how old am i? 2200 human years. 22 demonic years.. dont worry.. i can extend your life period.. but.. damn do i pleasure you.. haha. *flops onto the bed*

23.10.2019 03:16
LinkAoi: *Lazily blinks and gropes for Joshua's mouth, tilting his face towards his and kissed him and slid his tongue over Joshua's bottom lip * That was my greatest sex to baby~
But next time I'm gonna **** you~ with my mouth~

23.10.2019 21:00
Linkjoshua: maybe~ or maybe the other way around~ maybe i'll be the one~ to **** you with my mouth~ cause i wanna taste you~ *my tail twitches and begins to sway in a slow wagging motion*

24.10.2019 00:31
LinkAoi: Hmmm~ maybe~ * Adjusts and tilts his head to the side, teasing his bottom lip, trying to let his tongue sneak in *

25.10.2019 17:01
Linkjoshua: *doesnt give him the satisfaction of letting his tongue in*

25.10.2019 19:08
LinkAoi: *small huff of annoyance * *whimper* mm, babe~ please~

25.10.2019 21:27
Linkjoshua: not until you tell me: A. what you whispered when you were beginning to touch me~ and B: what species you truly are..

25.10.2019 23:16
LinkAoi: *huffs*, of course, theres a catch.
Well, it's all a heated blur so *sigh* I don't exactly remember.
And I'm just a regular human...with issues.
now~ can I kiss you?~

25.10.2019 23:43
Linkjoshua: hmmmmm~ i dont know if i believe you~ *teasing you*

26.10.2019 04:09
LinkAoi: Mmph~ please?~ * begging voice, as he gently bites his earlobe *

26.10.2019 15:42
Linkjoshua: hmm...~ *pulls you in by your waist, bodies touching one another* sure~ ill let you kiss me~

26.10.2019 15:45
Linkjoshua: *sighs* its been awhile since i had someone in my arms like this.. it feels good.. warm and makes my insides feel all fuzzy and nice.. *genuine smile* *hugs you* ok.. you can kiss me Aoi..

26.10.2019 16:04
LinkAoi: *hums while scattering kisses, eventually getting to the corner of his mouth *
*murmurs his name and kisses him his leg curling over one of Joshua's *

26.10.2019 17:42
Linkjoshua: *enjoying it but is having a hard time holding back the urge to kiss you more.. aggressively~*

26.10.2019 18:07
LinkAoi: your hiding something babe~ you could tell me~~

26.10.2019 18:40
Linkjoshua: *gently bites your tongue as a response*

26.10.2019 18:50
LinkAoi: * a surprised gasp evolves *

26.10.2019 18:52
Linkjoshua: *lets go* mmh~?

26.10.2019 18:54
LinkAoi: you're full of surprises..aren't you?

26.10.2019 19:54
Linkjoshua: of course~

26.10.2019 20:12
LinkAoi: *shakes his head with a small smile * yeah, of course, you'd agree-

26.10.2019 20:29
Linkjoshua: mhm *my quiet persona regains*

26.10.2019 20:33
LinkAoi: *shifts and curls up to Joshua more * * he sighs quietly, enjoying this quiet moment *

26.10.2019 21:43
Linkjoshua: *snuggles uwu*

27.10.2019 03:36
LinkAoi: * snuggles back uwu *

29.10.2019 18:02
Linkjoshua: *sighs in pleasure* *whispers* this is nice..

30.10.2019 00:32
LinkAoi: *nuzzles his chest, and brings one of his arms towards the indent of his midriff the other one messing with Joshua's hair * mmhm...

02.11.2019 15:46
Linkjoshua: *lightly and calmly bites aoi's right cheek* nom -w-

02.11.2019 19:00
LinkAoi: * jumps a bit and shivers his cheeks turning slightly hot * !!-

02.11.2019 19:10
Linkjoshua: *snickers* the killer is scared of a lil bite~ *i tease as i giggle*

02.11.2019 19:27
LinkAoi: You just took me off-guard, that's all! *tilts his head and gives a slow kiss to the side of Joshua's neck *

02.11.2019 19:40
Linkjoshua: *a sly smirk* dont try to change to topic with your kisses mister~

02.11.2019 19:55
LinkAoiu: hmmmm?*gives a love bit and nibbles * but I'm not~ and...you just surprised me. There's a slight difference you know..
Comment removed
Comment removed

02.11.2019 20:21
Linkjoshua: *sigh* fine fine short stack~

02.11.2019 21:05
LinkAoi: *fake pout * awe, don't believe me?

02.11.2019 21:36
Linkjoshua: i do believe you wdum

02.11.2019 22:11
LinkAoi: well I guess nothing- I misunderstood. * rests head against the curved indent in his neck and starts to mess with your hair again, the other hand resting where it was before, he sighs and closes his eyes *

04.11.2019 16:31
Linkjoshua: *my tail slightly wags*

05.11.2019 02:16
LinkAoi: * hums and continues *
* murmur* this is nice~