04.05.2024 17:40
LinkKillll yoooo seeeelllf
Kiiilll yooooo seeehhheeeehheeelllffff
Kiiiillllyooooooooooooo seeeheeehheehehheeellff
24.07.2024 00:57
Linkbro wtf Israel deserves to exist like stop hating just cause ur jumping on the jew hate train
like call-out to the artist thank u from and Jewish girl with a lot of family in Israel
24.07.2024 00:58
Linkdo u not know whats going on
24.07.2024 01:10
LinkI do my family watches the news alot and I understand that a lot of Palestine's are dying and that is awful I don't disagree but marching nacked women down the street and killing hundreds of women and children is not ok because that was what Hamas did when they attacked and they posted it on to social media