Yoyo has a brother.


30.11.2021 18:18
Linkgee willikers

30.11.2021 18:25
Linkokay so first the information he SHARES with yoyo.
They are both twins Both are 6'1 and very russian. the accent comes out the strongest when they're mad.
his own info:
Age: just like his sister 23
gender: Born female transiting into male (has only had top surgery at this point.)
sexuality: very aesxual and pan romatic.
Zip is super fuking mean, you could look at him and piss him off.hes surprising really good at his job despite hating children with a burning passion.
and to mock nature i made his colours bright and beautiful.. because hes poison stay away.
the only person he can stand is his twin in fact shes the only person hes ever said 'i love you' to. he is protective of the only thing he loves and will beat your ass if you touch her.