Rp with zombie!cup?


07.02.2020 00:05
LinkThe scenario is that he's trying to search for his brother-
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Licci: hmph. You asked fow it. But fiwst. *she went up to mug and licked him, making him able to see her. *she looked at caroline* covew youw eyes pwease. *she spun around, slowly getting bigger, and her form starts changing to look way scarier.*
Zombie!cup: *He was lucky enough to be blind while this happened.*

Licci: *she stopped spinning and getting bigger, and her face changed. She made a crown appear and put it on* *she turned around to look at you.* *she did a deep laugh that kinda sounded like king-boo.* (Yep. Licci can shapeshift into that one ***** from most of the Mario games that have Luigi as the hero instead-)
Zombie!cup: *He heard the laugh, but he wasn't scared. He was worried about mug* m-mug, c-calm down! It's o-okay..
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