I am livid


26.06.2022 06:15
LinkTw, mentions of r//pe, child sexual violence, incest, suicide, self harm, gun violence, school shootings

26.06.2022 06:18
Link it is still healthcare, that people need, and frankly you should understand it is none of your business what people do with their bodies. The embryo is a single celled organisim at conseption, and cannot feel anything when aborted. It is health care it should be federally protected, health care is a human right, and with the banning of abortion, you ban healthcare, thus calling afab people not human.
it should not be up to cis-het men.

26.06.2022 06:18
LinkNot done

26.06.2022 06:19
Linkafter finding out about roe v wade,you better use your influence to teach about safe sex, vesictomy, planned parent hood benefits, where it is safe to get an abortion, and how to peacefully contact representatives.

26.06.2022 06:19
Link it should be a choice, not up to cis men AT ALL. They dont have to carry the baby for forty weeks, they dont have to now, be forced to suffer birthing a stillborn, that they knew would be still born and still get prosecuted for it, raped children, teens, adults, seniors, being charged with a crime for wanting to abort not a child, but a reminder, children afab being forced to carry their fathers child, and people who they know cannot take care of a child.

26.06.2022 06:21
Linktear gas, can induce miscarriage, so you should go protest the ruling, with a water bottle with a squirt nozle that is covered and has untainted water to squirt in your eyes, with a lemon in your mouth so you dont vomit or dry heave.
they didnt ban abortion, but safe abortion, now so many people afab will die because they were forced to give birth, forced to do an at home abortion, were kicked out by their parents and starved to death on the streets alone, forced to carry something didnt want so they felt the only way out was suicide

26.06.2022 06:22
LinkYou need to understand that the majority of people who will suffer due to this are poc, seeing as they dont have all the resources that white people do. Mainly black women
you need to understand that this is the land of the free, for straight white cis men. Not for all women, all poc, all people in the lgbtqia+, all children, all immigrants, all people in the lower class, all asains, all people that are nerodivergant

26.06.2022 06:25
LinkI may be the one who interacts with children the most, but i know, damn well, a majority of them wouldnt be there without the choice of safe abortion
people need understand, why should the government force a person to carry a child, when the government cant protect them from gun violence in schools.
I understand people will riot because now they will have to watch adults come in pregnant with a child they dont want, and drop of the child they did want. They understand that persons pain when being asked " how far along are you, have any names? " and then they breakdown sobbing because they know their child will be born stillborn. AND THERE IS NOTHING .Z NOTHING . THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT
delete period trackers because they can use those to prosecute people afab

26.06.2022 06:29
Link now with this overturned, they can now overturn, samesex marriage, same sex relationships, any trans rights, inter-racial relationships, the right to birthcontrol, the protection of native americans, LITTERALLY ANYTHING FEDERALLY PROTECTED, yes even gun laws, womens right to vote, people of color saftey laws, jim crow laws, protection for religion.
I am so angry.
You should know the names of everyone afab arrested for a miscarriage a still birth anything, Brittney poolaw, marashe jones, Anne bynum, the other four. Hundred. And. Thirteen people afab being arrested for miscarriage and stillborn, due to anti-abortion laws.
More are to follow

26.06.2022 06:33
LinkOur rights have just been stripped
Torn from our hands
And theyre not just going to stop at reproductive rights
Reminder i advertised r//volution two years ago, we can do it again

26.06.2022 06:35
LinkAnd that ***** woman who voted against it.
**** you **** YOU youre a ****ing traitor
I hope PRAY you get pregnant with a child you dont want and are forced to keep it but lets be honest, you are a lying cheating ****ing bigot who will get an abortion in secret.

26.06.2022 06:36
LinkThat thomas guy, you come for same sex marriage and same sex relationships ypu also come for your own ****ing marriage

26.06.2022 06:37
LinkTwo of the men that over turned roe v wade are convicted sex offenders

26.06.2022 06:53
LinkProtest tips
You will mot be read ypur miranda anymore
Your rights are
You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to a lawyer if you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you (its a state one so.its probably gonna be shit). You have the right to a phone call. You have the right to a fair and speedy trial

26.06.2022 06:56
LinkWhat to wear to a protest
Glasses (not contacts they will melt when coming into contact with tear gas)
a face mask
All black
Long pants long sleeves, why? You will be forced to the ground and cement hurts
Comfortable shoes, no heels, no flip flops, nothing open toed,
A hat
Do not use face id or finger print unlocking systems only digit passcode
Cover all.tatoos and piercings if possible

26.06.2022 06:56
LinkCheck what color shoelaces you are wearing, they cann arrest you based on certain colors

26.06.2022 06:58
Write the number of someone who can bail.you out in sharpie on your body and spray it withhair spray

26.06.2022 07:02
LinkWhat to pack
Lemons, lemons prevent you from vomitting due to teargas
A bottle of water for you,a bottle of water fpr someone else a bottle of water for defusong tear gas
A squirt nozzle water bottle full of untainted water to squirt in your eyes
Make sure the nozzle is covered
First aid kit is essential
a traffic cone if possible (will explain)
Pads, tampons, etc
Food, you will not be able to purchase food during protests stay.in. Your. Group
Do not stray you are open to attacks

26.06.2022 07:02
LinkI forgot ear plugs for when they bring outthey anti protest siren that can burt earrdrums
Bring some to share too

26.06.2022 07:06
LinkNow, to explain why you need a traffic cone and extra water
Heres how to defientally not stop tear gas
You will need to be fast
See tear gas
Put cone over canister
Poor whole bottle of water over it
Like 48 oz
do not throw it back.you will get arrested

26.06.2022 07:07
LinkDo not take selfies or pics of.people doing anything that can get them in trouble
Destruction of property

26.06.2022 07:08
LinkLay on the ground limp if they try to put you in the patrol car it will make it much more difficult
Be safe

26.06.2022 07:08
LinkDo not go home with anyone you do not know

26.06.2022 07:09
LinkScream and scream loud
Dont say shit lawyer up first
Get our rights back

26.06.2022 07:12
LinkPut your phones on airplane mode too