

Tree frog


did you just leave ferret? XD

Starstorm -MEME-

If I was SpiderBoy
Ask me or the OCs!


19.10.2021 17:02

19.10.2021 17:02
LinkCUTEEEEEEEEE drawing lol

19.10.2021 17:04
LinkThanks >u<

19.10.2021 17:04
LinkTo you: Have your ever watched Team Sonic Racing Overdrive? (If not it's on YouTube you should totally watch it cuz yes)
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite animal?
To GG: What breed of cat are you?
Do you like video games?
What do you like the best about Rocko?

19.10.2021 17:05
LinkYou're welcome >w<

19.10.2021 17:16
LinkYeah, I watched it! Team dark was so funny ^u^
My favorite color is yellow
My favorite animal is either a squirrel or a bear or an opossum
GG: I’m an American bobtail... whatever American means.
Yeah! I play video games all the time. We have all the newest consoles in our dorm room, not that any new consoles have come out since Eggman took over,
What? What do I like best about Rocko? Come on now, that between me and him, let’s just say he’s like my only family. And don’t start thinking about how accepting and accommodating and adorable he is, and how he’s like a literal ray of sunshine, I don’t want you to get any ideas about getting close to him...

19.10.2021 17:19
LinkTeam Dark is the best I love them 😭
Ooh yellow is Hazel's favorite color too!
Whatever American means 😂 okay cool
Awesome ✨
A d o r a b l e ? 😏

19.10.2021 17:47
LinkI've been trying to think of more questions this entire time but I can't lol
Also been reading the rest of the questions and answers because y e s

19.10.2021 17:50
LinkIf you can’t think of any more questions I can just talk your ear off about random stuff :)

19.10.2021 17:51

19.10.2021 17:55
LinkSo lately I’ve noticed that I’ve accidentally created a sort of pipeline to Blush. Wherever I place a new OC in the story, it is inevitable that they will come into contact with Blush and may even be adopted by her, even though she was meant to just be a support character for GG now she’s slayed to adopt three kids. I’ve been using her as the easy way out, like free therapy and good parenting for all, and I really need to find other ways to help my characters. I was gonna give mallow to Blush too but then I realized the pipeline, and I quickly switched it to Spring

19.10.2021 17:57
LinkOop lol

19.10.2021 17:59
LinkWho's the third kid she adopted? :0

19.10.2021 18:41
LinkRaze! Since he and Icy were already close, once Eggman is defeated then Raze gets reunited with Icy, inevitably leading to adoption

19.10.2021 18:44

19.10.2021 18:52
LinkOh hey did you think of a backstory for the character you got from the oc trade? :3

19.10.2021 19:00
LinkNot yet, but I have a few ideas for him right now, some of them may be used and some of them may be dropped
⚡️He has prosthetic limbs, probably a robot arm
⚡️Older adult ~30
⚡️Technician or medic
⚡️Works at the resistance base
⚡️Love interest for blush?

19.10.2021 19:07
Link:O so cool!!!

19.10.2021 19:07
LinkYou have so many great ideas 😭

19.10.2021 19:11
LinkThanks! >u< I just love writing stories that’s all

19.10.2021 19:12
LinkBut as expected— his redesign is going slowly 😭

19.10.2021 19:19
LinkYou're welcome! I love writing stories too but I don't have a very good brain lol
Hhh lol 😭

19.10.2021 19:36
LinkOk now that I’m thinking of all the possibilities, he is officially Blush’s love interest. These kids are gonna get a stepdad and they’re NOT gonna like it
GG is going to feel so betrayed mwahaha as if I don’t give it enough hardships already
He’s also a medic because that puts him in a relevant position throughout much of the story. GG already has to go to the medic often, Icy is gonna need a medic when they become revived, and Spring is gonna need a medic when she’s in a coma. Obviously Blush is gonna be around when her kids get hurt, naturally leading to the two being together while she’s in need of comfort... This is genius

19.10.2021 20:17
LinkThat's a great idea!!

19.10.2021 21:02
LinkI feel sorry for GG though ;w;

19.10.2021 21:07
LinkYeah 😭 GG really gets the short end of the stick whenever I write in a new plotline, maybe I should do something nice for it for once

19.10.2021 21:32
LinkAww 😭

Idk what to ask! Hmmmm… What is your favorite anime? And do you think any of your characters would get along with mine? :D

I don’t watch anime (I used to but it’s much faster to just read the manga), but my favorite manga is detective Conan!
I don’t know much about your characters besides July and fresh (ik he’s not technically yours) 😓 but Spring could get along with anybody! I feel like Rocko wouldn’t like Fresh though ^-^;

Hello!! I'm super new to this channel, just discovered you guys like five minutes ago, so--
Hi!! How are all of you? Do you guys have a favorite animal?
Also can I give y'all hugs,,? You guys seem very sweet and huggable,,

I’m gonna guess you’re asking these to Spring, Rocko, and GG, not me lol
Spring: I’m doing really well and I hope you are too! My favorite animal is a guinea pig ^u^ and sure! We can hug!
Rocko: I’m doing alright, but I’m a little worried about some things... I won’t drag you down with that info. My favorite animals are dogs, especially golden retrievers! A hug? Alright, bring it in!
GG: I could be doing better, but it’s not the worst. I haven’t met many animals in person, but I think that rhinos look really cool. A hug? I dunno, we just met...

Lol yeah and yay!! Hugs!! :D
Guinea pigs are very cute, I've taken care of them a couple of times babysitting and they're very floofy. Dogs are epic, too!! And rhinos do look very nice, they have cool horns.
I'm glad y'all are doing alright!! You guys seem like very cool people and it would be fun to just chat at some point!! It might take me a second to line up your name with your face tho haha