I don't love you
A Smoky Human
Japan x Reader: Pocky Game
hi! I'm new :>
19.10.2023 01:15
Linkfather, why do you wanna leave <3
please don't take us
we did nothing wrong
you didnt do one father thing with us
you never even talked to us :D
you're hating on grandmother
for what?
we don't wanna leave grandmother
she raised us
for 14 full years
she did nothing wrong
you're the only person who is doing something wrong
if grandmother dies from stress
you will pay for the rest of your life
you talk about aunty hitting brother
yet how many times did you hit me
for pathetic liars?
how many times did you make me cry?
how many times did you send me to my room in the dark for no reason
i was 4
why'd you do that?
why do you wanna make our lives a living hell
for no reason?
is it for fun?
attention maybe?
is it so you can get what you want and leave us to suffer?
19.10.2023 01:17
Linkwhy are you doing this, father?
why do you like seeing us in pain
for every little thing that makes you mad?
we are trying to make sure you're okay
that you're happy and safe
but how can we do that when you make us feel sad and unsafe?
i ran away 2 years ago because of you
because i was scared
i needed a therapist because of you
you need a therapist now
for until you learn your lesson