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talk? (also small rant lmt)
05.04.2021 07:22
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Many people (family, friends,ppl online) have complained about my sleep schedule,and how I should get more sleep. I will tell you now, it is not my choice to stay awake. Sleep is not as easy for me as most, so ppl (including ppl on FA) need to understand that if im not sleeping its not because i dont want to (kinda) its because i cant. Another thing, im 14, and a good amount of ppl on FA are about 10-18, so i dont really care about people saying that its only 9 year olds on here because i know otherwise as i have many friends on this site, but thats not the point. No matter the age of someone, being rude or insensitive on purpose isnt right. SOme people will be extreme insensitive to a 10 year old an then say sorry, but if they find out someone is 15 they will continue being insensitive. AGe does not matter, I know a lot of younger kids as i have a younger brother and a few of them are sensitive, and i know a lot of older kids as I have older brothers/cousins, and they are also sensitive. If anything, older
05.04.2021 07:28
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kids might be more sensitive just because they can understand what people are saying better. But im not saying thats necessarily true. For example: I have people use she/her to annoy me a lot,and i will admit that it does hurt sometimes. Though if a younger kid was to see this happening and they didnt know what trans was,they wouldnt understand the issue. There is the final issue i will talk about, the horrible education of kids these days. I did not learn what transgender was until I joined this site (on my older acc), so i was about 11. Three years later, there are still so many kids who have no education on the LGBT+ community. I identify as Trans,Pan,and Bi, so it hurts to see kids being raised in homophobic/transphobic homes and never being taught that its ok to be a part of the community. To me,its more than ok. The community gives you a place to be yourself and who you really are,compared to the real world. Anyways,i will stop there because i could go on hours about this stuff.
05.04.2021 07:29
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(ok to be a part of the community of course,not the horrible education)
05.04.2021 12:06
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My mum actually uses things like "Boys don't cry" (I cry a lot for some reason ._..) I'm ONE YEAR YOUNGER THAN UUUUUUUUUUUUU u-u I'm also PANNNNNNNn and ppl do mess up my pronouns on purpose ESPECIALLY MY SISTER AND EVERYTIME SHE DOES I PULL SOME OF HER HAIR OUT. I WOULDN'T SAY AGE DON'T MATTER MY SIS WILL ONLINE DATE AGAIN ON ROBLOX I JUST GOT HER TO STOP WAAAAAAAAAA SHE'S ONLY 7 My sis supports lgbtq+ a lot btw :> All things she ships is gay/lesbian actually,,, She got that from MEEEEEEEEEEE u-u Also ppl rlly dum for some stuff in there
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