story in comments
16.04.2019 07:39
Linkso a long long time ago i met a cat and i named her white fluffy cat she had blue eyes . and then i had too move house and i really miss her and i made my oc sally look like her so i can remember her. i still miss her
16.04.2019 07:40
Linkshe's still in your heart, kittycat717. :)
16.04.2019 07:42
Linkawwww,so sad.
Here is my story.
I'll say it for short.
My mom is alergic to cats and dogs,so I never had a cat or a dog,just some parrots.
I am really sorry for your lost
16.04.2019 07:43
Linkthank you guys i really miss her so bad my last day to see her was Saturday
16.04.2019 07:46
Linkim allergic to cats @AkaNatsuki
heres mine
my dad found an abandoned kitten i named her millie. but 1 week after she died by having the wrong milk. kittens need kitten formula as milk not cow's milk if it doesnt have a mom.
16.04.2019 07:52
Link:c omg poor kitten i hope she has a good after life (if there is a after life that is)
16.04.2019 08:20
Linksorry,yo...I shouldn't have said that.