Here some fun facts about the


04.03.2024 17:35
LinkTophat lore that I used to show but not any more

04.03.2024 17:36
LinkSo for the first one that should probably be obvious to you all is that all my ocs are in a mafia type of group named the tophats you would know this if you notice that all of them wear tophats

04.03.2024 17:36
LinkAnother thing about the group their is that theirs no women yep that’s right your favorite ink killing machines don’t allow women into there organizations

04.03.2024 17:38
LinkOh yea so uhh some pics have arms some dont some haves mouth and some dont thats cause it basically they can just change the way they look at any moment cause the face and anything else don’t effect ink so you could just be a head with nothing wouldn’t that be a sight to see

04.03.2024 17:41
LinkOh yea also one more thing in the tophat universe women are known as uuhh what they were called during ealry 1900 cause why the **** not I’m sexist it’s just once I make a women ocs then that part of the lore will be change

woah pretty cool. I'm a bit new to the lore so are the tophats made out of ink/void material? If so, how are they made? (just curious since this is pretty interesting)

How they are made that a good question so one of the things of how they were made is basically like tar during dinosaurs times that basically the caveman version of inkers is tar so what ever type of ink was used during a certain era would be what they’re made of so since like cartoons were made during like 1900 that’s what they’re made of rn