the first time
help someone
-Creative title-
Neo está bien
Thanks for 300 <3
pickle chin birthday is my fa
For le specials
02.03.2019 23:12
LinkAsk your questions about Tyler and Alabraxan Here!!!
03.03.2019 00:41
Linkif you had the choice of being a dragon or a phoenix, which would you be?
what made you want to do flip anim?
can you draw other things?
what is your favorite thing to draw?
which is your favorite finger?
if you had to choose between a burger or a hotdog which would you choose?
are you more of a truth type of person or a dare?
03.03.2019 01:30
LinkThose are probably towards me, bt I was looking for questions tailored to the characters I listed above. But, I'll use some of the questions!