Dear Gacha community:
07.03.2022 12:40
LinkDon’t reply on this chain
07.03.2022 12:48
LinkI can’t believe how DISGUSTING y’all are about the Ukraine VS Russia situation, but before I get to the main point, I FULLY support Ukraine, do not hate.
Besides from that, many gachatubers have been making videos on the Ukraine vs Russia situation and treating it like it’s not serious, it’s a trend and most importantly, it’s NOT helping. Story was that in 2014, war between Russia and Ukraine started, not much was viewed until in late February 2022, Russia started invading Ukraine, causing backlash. Days after, gachatubers discovered the situation and made it a trend.
So yea that’s the story. Link to newest update that I could find for Ukraine vs Russia will be linked here:
-Ukraine deserves better.
-Gachas disrespecting the situation and handling it poorly.
-Give out misinformation.
Oh and a plus! Link to Timeworks video about the Russian bots are here:
Have a good day!
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i serously watched a video on tiktok and its a gacha kid and th title of it is serously UKRAINE x RUSSIA