let me type
20.10.2020 18:15
Linkso this happened when i was in 1st grade. i was playing tag with these boys and just so u know me and my friends love to pretend we are crying and get hurt just to joke around. so since im a girl and i was playing tag with boys, i ran into the girls bathroom, and i slid on the floor because it was wet, but below my knee that part hit the corner of the wall, and this HUGE chunk of like flesh and skin was just open, it only flet like a bruise, but no it was horrifing, i only started crying because there was blood dripping down my leg, my friends thought i was joking but then they saw the blood and they new i wasnt faking, my friend helped me walk to the nurses office and i was sent home early, my dad took my to the ER (emegency room). I need to get stiches but i was to scared to get stiches, then the docter offered to get it glued itstead, so now i have a scar for the rest of my life