WWYD? (let me type ^^')


16.06.2021 04:44
LinkYour OC was going to Aris house (probably to hang out or to meet up, just something-) when you get there you find Zane shaking Ari and yelling at him, something about somebody he(Ari) was after, and Reese just watching chaos happen-

Key: -slightly confused at what exactly they are witnessing but just walks over to reese and asks what happened-

The person babysitting wasnt ashton- it was some random baby sitter that key hires occasionally- butalsokeywouldbehappytoletiandothejobbutdoesntwanttostressian-)
Key: ...yeah.. I hate having teenagers watch my uh... Nephew... -they say as they are literally 18-
(Me now realizing that I pretty much just made key a character that made very poor choices and has a kid- this is fine- yeahalsothisisactuallythefactthatkeyhadactuallyrecentlygotoutoftherelationshipwithleonimjustrealizingthislikewhat-)
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Key: -more cuddles and hugs- ...we just completely ignored a movie for an entire about maybe.. 11 hours..? The movie is just off now- -laughs a little having just remembered the movie they were going to watch-
Ashton: .. Why the rush? You didn't answer my question? Why. Did you want to know what i was going to do?

Key wouldnt accept the popcorn- they made a bag for ian only for a reason- they didnt want any popcorn, and also just dont really like popcorn that much, they only get it for if they are watching movies with friends at their house, or they are making it for Ford(of course takeing the kernels out after making the popcorn because they do not want to hurt their kid-))
Key: ..what..? Its popcorn ^^
Ashton: -calls again-
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Key: ... -puts hands on ians shoulders- ....listen... If an aambulance comes up here... Do not panic.. Ok? It has nothing to do with us, its ashtons need of assistance from professionals to make sure his friend is ok, alright? Something probably happened.. And I may have to check on Ashton...
Ashton: -still panicking, not wanting to go back into the room dylan is in-

Key: ..please just... Dont panic... Ashton called me over here so he could check on his friend, and something might be wrong.. So he told me he called an ambulance to come and help, and he seems panicked.. I.. I just dont want you to panic.. Ok dear? You.. You can go back to my house if you want.. But I have to make sure ashton is ok.. Alright..?
Ashton: -waiting for ambulance, he happened to look into the room dylan is in to just check on him, he is still very panicked-

Key: ....um.. Ian..... I have a question actually... Since you have that hanaki thing.... Um..... Will it be fixed if i say the 3 words? Like... Will it hurt less? -are asking because they are curious and also want to get their mind off of ashtons situation-
Ashton: ....alright
(All ashton has to do is show the claws, im sure ari will cooperate lol)

Key: ..i.. I did some research and the um.. The hanahaki thing you have.. With all thh flowers and stuff... I read about there being the ability to heal it by the person with the hanahaki to um... To find their lover..? So if I told you how I feel, instead of just saying i like you but actually saying I... UUm...y'know.. The 3 words... Will it make the pain go away..?
Ashton: -stands and then moves his chair next to dylans hospital bed, and sits down again-
(Lol- ashton just use threat-)
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