“Torre Eiffel”
21.04.2021 12:50
LinkYou know what, I’ve had this website for almost a year, (between ages 10 and 11) and I really enjoyed it! But unfortunately, I’m quitting. Yes quitting. The main reason why I had FlipAnim was because I wanted to get enough follows for people to subscribe to my YouTube channel, (which is called Csquare2) but this website has a lot of people and I barely get noticed. I feel like it’s so unfair. Someone that is famous has a blank post which gets about 80 likes, while mine gets only 5. I’m tired of my art being unnoticed and I want to get my channel up for my business. I’m trying to work on animations to entertain my viewers for monetization. Thank you guys for inspiring me throughout this 1 year journey of FlipAnim, and I hope I get to come back soon! I will miss you all!
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