Brooke took his mask


08.01.2022 17:16
Linkomg he baby 🥺
Neal : :0

08.01.2022 17:17
LinkHe dislikes brooke now 😔
Noah: i just want my mask...

08.01.2022 17:19
Linkdamn 😔
Neal: Bro- *he grabs noah's ear* Istfg if you hide behind that mask again ill ground you from all your elctronics and ground you for a year.

08.01.2022 17:20

08.01.2022 17:21
LinkNeal: *he lets go* now if you excuse me, i need to hide from your horni father. *he runs away*

08.01.2022 17:22
LinkNoah: again how many times do i have to taze him and wreack his sperm count

08.01.2022 17:24
LinkNeal: *he his hiding behind a wall* I do not know-

08.01.2022 17:27
LinkNoah: -pulls out his tazer walking to mitchell tazeing mitchel about five times till mitch cant walk

08.01.2022 17:30
LinkNeal *he walks to mitch and grabs his arms* Thanks ill be back tommarow hopefully if i dont get caught- *he drags mitch away*

08.01.2022 17:32
LinkNoah: yep
Mitchell: our kids wreacking my fücking sperm count

08.01.2022 17:34
LinkNeal: Well its your fault- *he drags him to the bedroom*

08.01.2022 17:37
Link"Yeah i know"

08.01.2022 17:38
Linkhe gets him on the bed having alot of struggles "There."

08.01.2022 17:39
Link"Thanks hun"

08.01.2022 17:40
Link"No promblem," he smiles slightly

08.01.2022 17:41

08.01.2022 17:44

08.01.2022 17:46
Linkhe sits on the bed "Ugh. he always wears that silly mask."

08.01.2022 17:49
Link"Babe you know hes insecure about his face ever since he was 5 plus you always used to wear your mask so he probably got it from you"

08.01.2022 17:55
Link"i know its just.." he sighs ".." he lays down and cuddles mitch "I know i just want him to stop being insecure..i love him so much..i just dont want him to feel bad about himself..i wore the mask to hide who i was he is wearing one to hide his face..he is perfect so i dont know why he is wearing it.."

08.01.2022 18:00
LinkNoah walks into the room "im not perfect and youll never know why i wear that mask...."

08.01.2022 18:04
Link" are perfect stop thinking that way.."

08.01.2022 18:11
Link"Should have just ran away when i had the chance..."

08.01.2022 18:13
Linkhe quickly gets up and grabs noah's ear "NOAH! DONT YOU EVER SAY OR DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT!"

08.01.2022 18:15
LinkHe growls and bites neals arm his sharp teeth digging into neals skin making neal bleed

08.01.2022 18:17
Link"OW!" he yelps in pain he grabs noah's arm

08.01.2022 18:19
Link"LET ME GO YOU WHORE!" He growled

08.01.2022 18:27
Linkhe stares at noah, he lets go, he starts to tear up "wow.." he quickly leaves the room and then leaves to house

08.01.2022 18:30
Link"Fvcking b!tch"
Mitchell got up grabbing noah by the hood "Ill give you something to be insecur about..." he throws noah into a wall and starts punching and kicking noah until noah was in a puddle of blood

08.01.2022 18:35
Linkhe was crys outside

08.01.2022 18:35

08.01.2022 18:37
LinkMitchell sat down on the couch noah got up limping outside he was bleeding from his nose forehead and mouth

08.01.2022 18:40
Linkhe was sitting down in the grass, he was crying softly

08.01.2022 18:42
LinkNoah went back inside packing up a backpack full of clothes putting it on then leaving the house walking past neal

08.01.2022 18:46
Linkhe saw noah's foot "Noah." he looks up at noah, he wipes his tears away

08.01.2022 18:47
Link"What do you want..." he put on his mask

08.01.2022 18:50
Link"where do you think you going?."

08.01.2022 18:51
Link"Somewhere far from dad..."

08.01.2022 18:52
Link"why? what happen?" he stands up

08.01.2022 18:54
Link"Ask him.." he left the premisis and called his freind while walking

08.01.2022 18:57
Linkhe goes inside and to mitch "mitch. what do you do to noah?"

08.01.2022 18:58
Link"He called you a whore look in our rooms floor and wall"

08.01.2022 19:01
Linkhe walks to the room and looks around then he sees it. his eyes widen he sees noah's blood, he starts to cry he quickly goes to the living "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING YOU BASTARD!?"

08.01.2022 19:02
Link"Teaching him a lesson"

08.01.2022 19:04
Link"..fúck you. we are fúcking leaving.." he starts to leave the house

08.01.2022 19:05
Link"Damn okay dont come crying back to me when you cant find anyone new"

08.01.2022 19:06
Link"I will never come back to you." he leaves the house and starts to cry, he takes out his phone and calls noah

08.01.2022 19:07
LinkHe answers "yes mom?"

08.01.2022 19:07
Link"me and your dad are over, stay safe sweetheart, ok?"

08.01.2022 19:09
Link"Actually mom ive got someones who is nicer than dad znd you will like him way more his name is adrien"

08.01.2022 19:11
Link"Oh?" he chuckles a bit

08.01.2022 19:14
Link"He dosent care much for sex he likes me like im his kid, hes a teacher, and a world wide known cook, and he loves to be social unlike Mitchell"

08.01.2022 19:16
Link"Oh! He sound nice," he smiles and starts to walk

08.01.2022 19:17
Link"Ill send you his adress through text ill be there"

08.01.2022 19:19
Link"alright, thanks sweetie"

08.01.2022 19:20
Link"Yep ^^"

08.01.2022 19:20
Link"see you in a bit" he hangs up

08.01.2022 19:22
LinkHe text neal the adress

08.01.2022 19:24
Linkhe walks there

08.01.2022 19:28
LinkNoah was already there adrien was cooking

08.01.2022 19:29
Linkhe knocks on the door

08.01.2022 19:30
LinkNoah answers "hi mom" he was bandaged up and neal could smell adriens cooking

08.01.2022 19:31
Link"hi noah" he smiles and ruffles noah's hair

08.01.2022 19:32
Link"Adriens cooking come in ^^"

08.01.2022 19:33
Linkhe walks in

08.01.2022 19:40
Link"hey son who was at the door?" Walking out the kitchen was a tall guy with platinum blonde hair and milk chocolate brown eyes he was wearing an apron
Noah smiled "Adrien meet my mom neal"
Adrien smiled "hello there neal dinner is almost done you two may go hang out and do whatever you want" he smiled walking back to the kitchen

08.01.2022 19:42
Linkhe blushes a bit "Thanks-"

08.01.2022 19:46
LinkNoah smiled "he has a room created for you i told him what you liked its all in the room he made it just incase you and dad dident do well ^^" adrien was setting the table

08.01.2022 19:49
Linkhe turns red and covers his red face with his hands "o-oh-"

08.01.2022 19:52
Link"Its almost dinner time ^^"
Adrien put the plates on the dinner table "its time to eat you two ^^"

08.01.2022 19:53
Link"Oh, thanks-" he smiles

08.01.2022 19:58
Link"Of course" he sat down at a seat with his plate noah took a seat where he wants to eat mitchell never does this, keeps the house clean or treat noah and neal like they were a part of his family adrien seemed tk like the company

08.01.2022 20:01
Linkhe takes a seat

08.01.2022 20:03
LinkAdrien smiled "shall we say or graces before we eat?"
(Hes a Christian and a virgin)

08.01.2022 20:05
"Oh- uh sure?"

08.01.2022 20:10
LinkAdrien smiled holding his hands together "we shall send our hopes and our prayers to god for this meal for without creating humanity no one would exist ^^"

08.01.2022 20:15
Linkhe closes his eyes

08.01.2022 20:17
LinkNoah shut his eyes and adrien prayed
a few minutes later
"Amen no we shall eat"

08.01.2022 20:21
Linkhe opens his eyes and looks down at the meal "thank you for the meal-"

08.01.2022 20:25
Link"Of course dear as i say even your friends parents should get food while hanging out your welcome to stay here for how ever long you want ^^"

08.01.2022 20:28
Link"your way to kind-" he chuckles a bit

08.01.2022 20:29
Link"Your son and you are unique to me"

08.01.2022 20:34
Link"Oh-?" he blush a little

08.01.2022 20:36
Link"You see i grew up raised in an orphange so company to me is like im at home again ^^"

08.01.2022 20:38

08.01.2022 20:42
Link"But you guys to me your son is my son and well you are my wife you two are my everything your son tells me about you ^^"

08.01.2022 20:46
Link"oh-" he turns red,he gets a call he takes out his phone, he growls "sorry for the amount of swears im about to say."

08.01.2022 20:46
Link"Its okay ^^"
Comment removed

08.01.2022 20:49
Linkhe anwsers the phone, he gets up and starts to walk out of the house "FVCK YOU AND FVCK YOUR MOM FVCK EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU JUST LEAVE ME THE FVCK ALONE!" he leaves the house

08.01.2022 20:55
Link"Is your mom ok?"
"No she just went through a breakup"
"Oh ok"

08.01.2022 20:58
Linkmmm yes s h e minus the s 💀))
he comes back in a few minutes later, tears streaming down his face

08.01.2022 21:00
Adrien and noah rushed over and hugs neal adrien says "babe are you ok?"

08.01.2022 21:02
Linkhe couldnt say anything all he could do was cry

08.01.2022 21:03
Link"Go get sleep please"

08.01.2022 21:06
Linkhe nods and goes the the room that adrien set up for him

08.01.2022 21:07
LinkIt had everything neal liked and a big humansized teddy bear that was for neal to cuddle

08.01.2022 21:09
Linkhe smiles slightly before getting in bed and cuddling the teddy and falling asleep

08.01.2022 21:11
LinkAdrien came in kissing neals forehead walking out he shut the door after turning the lights off

08.01.2022 21:12
Linkhe softly snores

08.01.2022 21:14
Link"Hes a cute one"

08.01.2022 21:14
Linkhe just sleeps

08.01.2022 21:15
LinkHe smiles

08.01.2022 21:18
Linkhe shifts a little

08.01.2022 21:19
LinkA few hours later everyone but adrien and his cat and dog were asleep

08.01.2022 21:20
Linkhe gets up to get a drink of water

08.01.2022 21:40
LinkAdrien was watching tv his cat laying on his chest and his dog was sleeping on his legs

08.01.2022 21:48

08.01.2022 21:52
Link"Oh hi ^^ meet the house pets cocoa the dog marco the cat and well mimic the parrot" a parrot flew onto neals shoulder squakeds and ruffles its feathers

08.01.2022 21:54
Linkhe flinches and squeaks not expecting the parrot

08.01.2022 21:57
LinkThe parrot squeaked

08.01.2022 21:58
Linkhe frowns

08.01.2022 22:28
Link"It was just repeating what it heard"

08.01.2022 22:38
Link"i know it scared me tho."

08.01.2022 22:40
Cocoa and marco jumped off him he gets up and walks over too neal french kissing neal

08.01.2022 22:47
Linkhis eyes widen, he turns red

08.01.2022 22:50
LinkAdrien smirks slightly

08.01.2022 22:51
Link"hmph." he looks away

08.01.2022 22:52
Link"Your so cute ^^"

08.01.2022 22:53
Linkhe turns back to him and he gives adrien a smile

08.01.2022 22:55
Link"Know what i mean i could lose my virginity right now but i wont unless you wanna ^^"

08.01.2022 22:59
Linkat this point adrien has completly broken him, he was really flustered

08.01.2022 23:03
LinkHe chuckled "seems ive broke my girlfriend"

08.01.2022 23:06
LinkbOy hE iS a MaLe iStFg-))

08.01.2022 23:11
Link(Ik ThAt BoI)

08.01.2022 23:13
LinktHeN wHy cAlL hIm gIrLfrIeNd!?!))
he huffs

08.01.2022 23:14
LinkCaUsE HeS ThE MaN In ThIs ReLaTiOnShIp))
He chuckles

08.01.2022 23:16
LinkyOu sTiLl cAlL hIm bOyfRiEnD iTs jUsT oNe Is tOp oNe Is BoTtOm 😭💅))
he kisses adriens cheek and starts to head back to bed

08.01.2022 23:19
LinkNaH HoMiE)
Adrien smiles

08.01.2022 23:22
he stops for a second "Oh and. tommarow we can..yk." he goes back to bed

08.01.2022 23:23
Link"Oh? Okay ^^"

08.01.2022 23:25
Linkhe lays down and cuddles the teddy bear falling asleep again

08.01.2022 23:28
Link"But i have teaching tomorrow...i cant stay home tomorrow"

08.01.2022 23:31
Linkhe softly snores

08.01.2022 23:32
LinkHe went to bed the next day nobody but neal was home there was a note on the fridge

08.01.2022 23:40
Linkhe reads the note

08.01.2022 23:49
LinkThe note said that noah and adrien were at school and that they will be back soon

08.01.2022 23:53
Linkhe smiles and goes to the bathroom to take a shower. after a bit he gets out and realizes that he didnt have any clothes and thought that adrien wouldnt mind if he barrowed clothes from him, he goes into adriens room and picks out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and a hoodie putting them on, they were too big for him but he didnt mind he went to the living room and sat down and turned on the TV and watched movies until they got back

08.01.2022 23:54
LinkNoah and adrien came back 8 hours ago

08.01.2022 23:56
Linkhe was watching movies

08.01.2022 23:57
LinkAdrien rubs neals shoulders "hey sweetheart"

08.01.2022 23:59
Linkhe looks up "hi-" he smiles

09.01.2022 00:01
LinkHe kisses neals neck

09.01.2022 00:02
Link"mm.." he tilts his head a little

09.01.2022 00:03
Link"So wanna go to the room~?"

09.01.2022 00:05
Linkhe gets up and wraps his arms around adrien's neck as he french kisses adrien "thats my anwser~"

09.01.2022 00:10
LinkHe picks up neal

09.01.2022 00:12
Linkhe smirks

09.01.2022 00:14
LinkHe smirks walking into his room

09.01.2022 00:18
Linkinsert noah just scared for life-))
he kisses adrien's neck

09.01.2022 00:24
LinkNoah sitting in his room like: 😔😕🤨🧍♂️

09.01.2022 00:24

09.01.2022 00:58
he closes the room door with his foot before lightly biting his neck

09.01.2022 01:07

09.01.2022 01:08
Link"Hmmm~?" he licks the spot a bit

09.01.2022 01:09

09.01.2022 01:14
Link"well..wanna start now?~"

09.01.2022 01:16
Link"Of course~"

09.01.2022 01:19
Linkhe smiles wide