What happened over the summer
19.10.2020 18:11
Link*inhales* your a *****, your overrated
19.10.2020 18:18
Linklov you too
19.10.2020 18:31
Link:D you got the thing- noice
19.10.2020 18:32
Linkyes the thing i got it
Everything that happened over the summer
Before this summer i was small and very skinny so i started working out a hella lot
Now I am still short (5'5) but im decently strong
I met a lot of new people since i decided to stop being a introvert
I got a decent amount of friends now and people that always wana hang out with me.
I got into 2 fights, one against someone my age and another one with someone older.
I still have a couple old friend from middle school but rarely any.
I quit boyscouts to start going torwards bigger goals it will be missed.
thats pretty much all.
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