YouCantStopTheSky (Gift4Under)


Wedding day

Alien bby :)

For Devin

Blushy Bonbon

draw challange for nonoyobiz
This had so much potental T-T


09.09.2023 16:04
LinkI shouldve stopped at the 2nd Wip ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽

09.09.2023 16:07
LinkAnyway here my exuce for dropping oc lore bc this makes no sence without context.

09.09.2023 16:14
LinkAnyway the pink poodle is macaroon (or atleast when she was male) and the gray one is killer. they had a good relationship together when they used to do dogfights together. When they became mutants, they were able to live a good life together. Then when Mac found out that she was trans she was scared to what killer would say so she ended up telling him, expecting him to break up w/ her. He didnt care too much. However one day, mac got possesed by some sort of demon/shadow dragon. she took a chainsaw and nearly sawed killers eyes out. when he got to the hospital he broke up w/ her thinking that she did it on porpose.
thats it in nutshell terms.