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limozena shit yay ER continent
29.01.2023 02:05
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infodumpign with my worldbuilding moment anyways time for context
29.01.2023 02:11
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this is about the territories and is colour coded, not how the actual land looks. white = Light Territory/LT gray = The In-Between/TIB black = Dark Territory/DT they determine their territory via environment, and environments sometimes expand or shrink throughout the centuries. there's no such thing as colonisation because the dudes can't live in each other's territories due to the environmental difference sometimes being fatal for the immune system and also you'd be exposed since you can't hide in environments other than your own due to the different colours. how they timeline the eras and years are also different from ours and actually makes more sense. but how did we go from counting backwards to counting forwards?? i just kept it forwards with them. the year 1 through present day. they don't do the BC AD type of shit. they just count the years. idk how to explain it.
29.01.2023 02:17
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The In-Between is actually technically unclaimed territory, not really one territories. there's multiple based on the groups/tribes areas. those who can live there are those who are capable of killing snatchers (predators), surviving on your own in non-civilisation sense, and very good hiding skills or you're mixed race aka you're gray which means you're more likely to blend in your surroundings in this area. all In-Betweeners hate the established territories cause they're always caught in the crossfire from all the wars and shit since they used The In-Between as a battle ground.
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