LD: You don't remember, the destruction of the worlds? Of the 7 world sweets in on the 5. You live on the 3. I came to visit you and and we got transported. The world was shrunk and stolen. You were hurt so I took you back to my world.
LD: The collector a celestial dragon, came. Your world was so beautiful that she took it for herself. She lives on the giant world. THE ONE!!! It's probably in her collection. I don't know who we can get it back. We can transport there. But i'll be eaten. Supposedly I taste very good.
aloe hmmmmmmm wellllll i can help you come with me i have healing powers (you know cuz aloe is a plant that heals cuts burns ect)
if you get hurt i can help you
We need to find the Collector!! The celestial dragon that froze the worlds and stole then. She might have accidentally broken some when she took them. We have to find and fight her!!
neon: chirp chee-eee.
mathew: ok..if you insist. -look at you guys- neon wishes to help you. with her speed, and smallness she can fit into smaller places. i can build equipment.