im mad again about this-


30.12.2020 05:58
Link"I hate the gays"
"I hate furries"
"Go die if your a furry"
"Go to hell for being gay"
nobody cares if you hate lgbtq or if you hate furries. for gods sake i wont stop ranting about this. stop putting it out there. your a troll. your doing it to hurt people. PURPOSELY. i dislike it when people do that. and ive heard a few times people say "go die" and things. im not listing any names and im not pointing anyone out, but you need to stop. people actually hurt themselves. stop making fun of people and saying that kind of stuff

30.12.2020 06:01
Linkand this leads me to another rant:
do NOT- DO NOT EVER- joke about suicide. its NOT funny, and NOT ok. people END THEIR LIVES. FOR REAL. NEVER wish death upon a person, ecspecially a suicide threat. DO NOT tell people to hurt themselves. EVER. if you do, YOU ARE DEAD TO ME. i have a friend who is suicidal. she hurts herself, and i literally have to check her wrists every day and i try my best to deal with her. people go through things. so stop.