11.04.2020 10:27
LinkOkay I don't understand what these are-
11.04.2020 10:30
LinkOof-They are adopts
11.04.2020 10:40
😱Bruh😱 I'm 🍑deadass🍑 😋hungry😋 right 🕑now🕑... Ya 🍕pizza😍🍕 what u 😍want😍? lemme get➡ 🤔🤔uhhhhhhhhh🤔🤔🤔 🚫🍖 B O N E L E S S 🍖🚫 🍕pizza🍕🍕 with a 2 liter of 🥃coke🥃... 💦😩****💦😩 kinda 🍕pizza🍕? And 2 🚰liter🚰 📠machine📠📠 broke 😩****😩 u mean 🅱️ Ight 👀look👀 lemme 📨get📨 that 🍕pizza🍕 🚫🍖 B O N E L E S S 🍖🚫 uh 🍕pizza🍕 don't got ☠️bone☠️ on it The 👉👌****👉👌 did 👉i👈 just 💬say💬 then? 👆U👆 🗯said🗯 Lemme get it 🚫🍖boneless🍖🚫 Like 🍕pizza🍕🍕 got a 💢damn🙊 🍖bone🍖🍖 in it 👥yall👥 got 🍖bones🍖 in ya 💩shit💩 then So 🤔what's🤔 the ❔problem❔ 🍆🍆👦D I C K H E A D🍆🍆👦 name ☝one☝ 🍕pizza🍕 that got 🍖bone🍖 on it just ❌don't❌ put them 💩shits💩 in my 🍕pizza🍕 bruh how 🔢many🔢 🖐times🖐 i gotta 💬say💬 it 😱bruh😱 jus 💬explain💬 to me how tf 🍕pizza🍕 can be 🚫🍖boneless?🍖🚫 if it ❌dont❌ got 🍖bone🍖 in it... iss 🚫🍖 b o n e l e s s 🍖🚫 👦Son👦 ❔what❔❔ 🏫school🏫 u go to ✌️dawg🌿 i ❌dont❌ 🤔understand🤔 the ❔problem❔ just make my 💩shit💩 B O N E L E S S 😤☠️D E A D A S S😤☠️ I'm 😤☠️deadass😤☠️ ❌not❌ making this 🍕pizza🍕 😤😤😤