

13.02.2022 10:24
Linki really miss you sage, i feel likeyour gone. i know your back but your different youa rent how you used to be and it ****ing hurts because i know we shouldnt be together but i need you man, i lvoe you lots and i want to show you my affection, you were always the person i needed and i ****ing miss you, i miss our stupid jokes, your laugh, your smile, and your goofieness. i just want you back. im really fukcing sorry man i know i screwed up but i want to make it up to you but i want you to tell me how i can, you seem so different i dont know you anymore, i jsut dont.. everybody i know remind me of you and its so ****ing hard without you, please i miss you so bad, it was us agasint the world you were the only person who really got me, we literally had the same problems and childhood,i told all my friends about you. i really still do care man-
we almost were gonna be friends for a year were was just 5 months away, but it was because of me we ****ing split, im so sorry i really am ****ing sorry, i cant even live

13.02.2022 10:29
Link-normal without you, it doesnt feel real, i just want you back i want all of you back, the parts of you i stil remember, the parts of oyu that still is you, the real you, you act as if im a stranger?! you act liek we never were bestfriends at all and it really fukcing hurts, i just dont know how to tell you, like ever since we split my world was falling down, i became depressed and angry, but i wasnt mad at you, its imposible because the amount of regret and love i have for you was to big for me to hate you, i wanted to apolagise but i dont know if you still care, i know you found better already thats why you dont want me anymore but please, i beg you, come back to me, the real you, i love you so damn much it really is ****ing painful.. it hurts to love you because i know you dont feel loved, i know how your feeligns work, everytime i told you i loved you youd make a joke saying " no you dont" but im serious sage, i fukcing miss you so bad, im finding new people, new friends but they arent you and it sucks-

13.02.2022 10:34
Link-knowing you probably dont want shit from me after what i did, i know what i said was really ****ed up you have every right to be mad at me, but please sage, i met you when i was at my lowest, i never knew what loving someone even meant, i never even seen the most beautiful person.. you were my world and im in love with you ( platonically ) so bad, any little thing reminds me of you, i miss us. i miss how we used to be, silly, stupid, and funny, you were everythng i needed, we both had problems.. i really should have never said those awful shit i did, yeah you were minpulative, angry and dysfunctional- but that didnt matter to me i still just ****ing love you, your so different from everyone else that i wish everyone had a friend like you,i really really am sorry but words cant even explain how remorsful i am-
i want to show you, i want you to tell me how i can show you, anything for you, anything. just tell me. maybe we cans till work it out, maybe we can still be friends, maybe we can still call, maybe we-

13.02.2022 10:40
Link- can still be us..im sorry i really am ****ing sorry you did not deserve what i said to you, it was awful, i know it meant more to you that it did to me but im really ****ed up man, im the wrong person for you. i want you to find someone other than me, a person who can treat you how you deserve to be treated, someone who can make you laugh ho wi did, someone who can make you smile like i did, but i want them to be better than me, a better mindset, a better background,a better mental state, i promise. things will be better for you, but we are just so different in a way but so alike it was dangerous, it was dangerous for us, we were dangerous ofr eachother, our toxicness just kept us together, we wanted to heal eachother, give eachother the love and affection that no one else can give us, the attention we neer got, and guess what, we were the right people, we met at the right person at the wrong time, we both were out our lowest and the most out of our mental state, we just took our anger out on each other-

13.02.2022 10:43
Link-and that shit isnt ****ing normal, its toxic, but we always moved on when we had an argument, we never broke up after a horrible fight broke out, we stayed together and we were happy, sure we didnt talk about it but we learned from it, it made our friendships stronger, but i knew you were tired of all the fighting and bickering. i was too but i couldnt leave you, i couldnt bare the look on your face if i told you i didnt want to be with you anymore, i couldnt stand the guilt youd had, its nots your fault it never was your fault,i never balmed you, your so precious and deliget, theres only 1-5 people out there like you, and i ****ing earned you, and im grateful for that, but i guess, things do come to an end right?

13.02.2022 10:43
Link-and that shit isnt ****ing normal, its toxic, but we always moved on when we had an argument, we never broke up after a horrible fight broke out, we stayed together and we were happy, sure we didnt talk about it but we learned from it, it made our friendships stronger, but i knew you were tired of all the fighting and bickering. i was too but i couldnt leave you, i couldnt bare the look on your face if i told you i didnt want to be with you anymore, i couldnt stand the guilt youd had, its nots your fault it never was your fault,i never balmed you, your so precious and deliget, theres only 1-5 people out there like you, and i ****ing earned you, and im grateful for that, but i guess, things do come to an end right?