Pet shop!
12.11.2020 18:07
LinkHello and welcome, a few things before we get started...
You may add pet suggestions here, I will post animals over-time to be adopted. DISCLAIMER: I advise you not to get dogs or cats from a pet shop but instead a shelter.
12.11.2020 18:10
LinkWe will offer a variety of reptiles, cavies, rodents, birds, and even some underwater buddies like fish and turtles! As time goes you may expect some new animals, toys, leashes ect.
28.11.2020 03:17
LinkI LOVED doing something like this when I was little. I would draw an animal and set up a little fort. My mom would come in, say "oh, I want that one" and it would be a little pet shop :D
28.11.2020 03:18
Linkcan I suggest too, though?
28.11.2020 03:19
Linkhamster, parakeet, African dwarf frog. (:P all my fish died so I just went to one, and these were some of the things I saw there)