
Chalk outline

Yoonbum Fanart ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡

Them Fangirls be Crazy

no smokies

Cute Valentines Potato :3

10,000 Likes Anim Special!!!


07.10.2018 21:20
LinkIm really glad i hitted 10,000 likes, and i really appreciate the support from all of you!! In the past i thought id never make it this far, but i did. I just really wanna say thank you to all of my followers for the support and for helping me get this far! Thank You All!!!

08.10.2018 21:31
Linku totally deserve it <3 :D

awwwe, np dude. also, i love this animation. also, it means alot to get u there and for this thx. and i hope ur FA future is bright. also, i hope u get to apologize to the person and i hope they forgive u. and i hope something great comes ur way. ^^

The fact that I've been following you since you had less than TEN likes and I've stuck with you the whole time is ****ing insane. I remember every day after school I would immediately go to your profile and press like on every post you made that day for several months. I've long since stopped the habit, but I still like as many of your posts as I can. Hell, I think I'm responsible for around 5% of your total likes. I probably would've quit by now if it weren't for your amazing anims! It's been an honor to watch you start from humble beginnings and go on to be one of the biggest names on the site.

Antrace, you are one of the most best people I've ever met through my life on FlipAnim. At first, when we were friends, I didn't think we'd ever get far like this. You've actually showed me hope, trust and love. I'm so happy you've reached this far, as-well, and this is my goodbye message.
I love you, so much, and even when I'm no longer on FlipAnim, I'll still love you. I may come back, I may not, but even if I don't, keep in mind I'll still love you. I feel that I am so lucky to have ended up with such a good boyfriend like you are.
Thank you, so much, and congratulations.
You truly are everything to me.

this is why i follow you , you have such a talent for crossovers and alot of effort for animations!! like wow jeez i never had effort for animations. your anims make me jUST uGH be surprised with suspense and humor. I hope you stay to entertain us all ;0

Idk when i met you/how i found out about you so i don't have any amazing stories.
But you're a great friend ;D
Congratulations on 10k likes!!

Congratulations, my dude! You really inspired me from all your talent and effort you put into these animations! Never give up on doing what you do! :D

Yo, you are one of the best animators I've ever seen! This one of the reasons I followed you! You also inspired me to do animations just like you! Happy 10,000 like
Sincerely, your fellow followers/fan