What's the weirdest dream...
08.05.2018 13:29
Link...you've ever had?
So, around summertime, I usually get high fevers, as well as nightmares.
One day- I caught a fever and I was going to bed.
When I went to sleep, I WOKE UP but I was still dreaming. I was conscious that I was dreaming. I felt as if I was holding a gun, on top of a jeep. I was shooting under my bed as if there was something down there.
i'm outside. the sun is bright on my face as i jump on a REAL FREAKING HOVERBOARD and fly up to the clouds. i bounce on the clouds for a while until i hear my family calling me. i yell "i'm up here" and stick my face out of the clouds. they zoom up on their hoverboards and we bounce around all day long. then i woke up.