Peanut Queef: REBRANDED
Taffy & the butterfly .w.
little bro for Kittythewitch
running loop practice
some Stella animation
God - desc below
01.03.2022 15:08
LinkViruer is a vastly esteemed and deeply beloved god. Desire, wind and plants are principal elements this divine being is associated with and his personality is often described as respectful and crass.
Often depicted as a hybrid with the body of a spider Viruer is usually worshipped through atonements and offerings.
There's a few main places for those seeking the aid or guidance of Viruer, but pagodas and larger prayer houses are commonly found throughout the lands.
Worshippers are infrequently encountered and tend to come in the form of foresters and magicians and no others are usually welcomed among followers of this god. But make sure the right atonements and offerings are followed.
Viruer has no luck with lovers. Granted this changes nothing to the power Viruer may provide, but when together they're a force to be reckoned with.