- create flipbook animations online!
16.02.2023 13:01
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Brief writing piece- Micah is finally snapping on the entire Kai situation,
16.02.2023 13:01
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Micah was pacing through his office- that seemed to be all the old man did nowadays. Despite him refusing to admit it, he was anxious every time he stepped foot out of his office, especially after his last experience with another boss that left him trying to find another body to possess and manipulate to his liking. Everything seemed to have been going wrong for him as soon as Ms LaRue separated herself from the other bosses and made her own little empire in the slums of the city before branching out, beginning to slowly but surely take over everything that himself and the other men had worked so hard to obtain. Micahs lips curled with hatred into a sneer, “F*cking b*tch.. I gave her this.. this power- and she uses it against me. She’s a f*cking unappreciative c*nt! All she can think of is f*cking me over!” He slung the contents of his desk onto the floor, a glass hitting the ground and shattering. He leaned over the desk, breathing hard, rage seeming to just continue to boil through his body.
16.02.2023 13:02
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The sound of glass shattering prompted Carson to investigate- he was concerned about his boss man. Despite being a new hire, Micah had told the young man a lot. A lot. He hesitantly opened the office door, staring at Micah, who was in a completely different physical state than he had ever seen him- Micah almost looked- younger- more physically fit? Carson didn’t know much about how entities like this worked, and everytime he witnessed something, it terrified him. From Micahs muscles straining against his clothes, to his eyes being almost pitch black, with only his pupils being illuminated, and just his entire body looking bigger- it was just a drastic change that he hadn’t been expecting. His rage built up and now was physically manifesting. Micahs dark gaze turned up to the man, hissing out, “what?” Carson stood at the door, clearing his throat, “I’m sorry for not knocking, I just- I was concerned you fell or something- I uh..” His hands fumbled awkwardly with his rings, “.. is something wrong, boss man?”
16.02.2023 13:02
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Micah stared at him blankly for a moment, before his lips turned up in a huge grin, “Oh? Something wrong? Nothing is f*cking wrong! Just the fact my old b*tch is f*cking up my city! This whole place used to be mine! People actually f*cking respected me!” His veins were visibly popping from his neck, “Now she’s trying to take everything from me! She’s already indoctrinated these other f*cking bosses- made all of them hate me! She’s got them all up her sleeve! Shes got the f*cking DA on her side! I can’t win!-“ He slammed his fists down on the table, the wood splintering underneath. Carson shuffled backwards, staring at him, stammering out, “I- I don’t know what to do sir..” Micah was breathing hard, before a thought seemed to enter his mind. His jaw visibly clenched before he mumbled out, “You can’t take over something that isn’t there.. if everything is gone, she can’t take anything away from me.” Carson shook his head, “look, Mammoth I uh- i really dont think-“ Micah cut him off,
16.02.2023 13:02
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“I’ll burn down this city, tear it down- I’ll do anything to keep her from taking it from me. Those other bosses- I accepted it- but having her take over? Absolutely f*cking not.. she’s made my life a living hell ever since I kept her from turning that damn gun on herself.. Would’ve saved me a ton of trouble if I would’ve just-“ His voice trailed off before he pinched the bridge of his nose, “… No sense dwelling in the past.. now its time to look to the future. I’ll cleanse her little ‘empire’.. I’ll get rid of every trace of that woman. No one will even remember her name.” Carson still looked at him fearfully, he couldn’t believe what he was suggesting- it didn’t even sound possible.. not with the amount of power Kai had amassed.
16.02.2023 13:02
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Micah walked around the desk, stepping on the glass, not even seeming to mind as he stormed past Carson, “I brought her into this power, I’ll strip it from her.” Micah walked out of the room, snatching his coat off of the rack as he began to storm through the office. Carson was quick to begin following him, “Look- Mammoth, I know you’re mad- but you can’t just act irrationally! You’ll get yourself killed-“ He then shot an irritated glare over his shoulder at the boy, “I know what I’m doing.”
16.02.2023 14:18
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Pop off king
17.02.2023 17:59
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I’d legit pay to read a book from you. 🙏
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