wow, the transitions tho



Blue flame



.'. Power of imagination .'.
im fixated on the fish people


28.12.2021 21:34
Linktheres two :)

28.12.2021 21:39
LinkWWYD one: You have monies (how lucky) and buy a large thing of Koi fish for your pond thingy back home buutt the dude screwed up and now you have a fish women mixed in with your regular Koi.
Lately you have notice that at night you have been hearing singing coming from your pond. you go out to check it out and find Aka.

28.12.2021 21:41
LinkWWYD two: you are a fisherman(or women don't matter) you're sitting in your small boat and your cute little fishing poll when you hear water move behind you. when you turn you see bright blue eyes staring at you.

28.12.2021 21:44
Linkcan be ship idc, both girls are like..pan? idk bout Psycho Siren actually she might be a lesbian.
Aka- Mermaid (safe baby wholesome)
Rairiko- Siren (danger no go run er- swim wait no, stay out of the water.)

28.12.2021 21:44
Linkbtw don't like and leave its a dick move.
Comment removed

B) wwyd two:
Shellfish”: OH FVCK- HI?!? “ she looked frightened form looking behind her personally she didn’t really care and reached her hand out “ hey buddy? You want some pets I have fish? Uh- ahaha!**she puts fish up to its nose and starts petting it*” ur a beautiful creature”

She put her in a fish tank she had on her sailor boat and started driving “ sorry to take you out of her habitat I just wanna see what’s it like.. knowing a creature if you’d betray me or not” she petted her and stopped and grabbed her and started carrying her to her table and sits the fish tank down “ you’re so cute”

( she got the lube of tub to clam fishes down and started rubbing it on her back) “ don’t worry it won’t hurt you it’s eco-friendly safe it was tested on actual fish and it won’t hurt you!”*she petted her and started storming her scales and started reading her a bedtime story*
( she considers it saving)

She can’t notice emotions )
She grabbed her and put her in her bigger tank outside her back yard that says “ ancient creatures “ it had a fence a electrified fence so if she tried escaping she’s get shocked as a little warning if she left shelliah shelliah would torture her tech.” Here! Safe now”**she thrower her in the bigger thing and thrower a big fish in there
Comment removed

wwyd 2, using pirate lady.
Maki jumped almost falling out of her boat, and gasped. "bloody hell! thats a large fish."