- create flipbook animations online!
ver important.
16.07.2021 17:01
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If someone posts a vent and all you ask is "r u okay?" or something, then fvck you. They're obviously not okay if they're VENTING. If they were okay they would not have made the vent. A vent is for someone who is upset. The urban dictionary even says that its to blow of steam by saying everything thats on your mind, usually out of anger. But even so, you dont ask if they're okay on a vent. If it doesnt say vent then okay, go for it. but if its in all caps n its clearly a vent/it literally says vent, just dont be like "Hey r you okay?" because they are not okay. Would you all please just recongize this easy sh!t?! A VENT IS NOT ART, ITS BEING UPSET AND ANGRY. ITS BEING SAD AND WANTING 2 TALK 2 SOMEONE. I wont say who but after someone told them what was wrong all they said was "o-oh" like wtf, at least try 2 comfort them n help them?? you all can add, I'm done ranting for now.
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