Why do you guys love this man
23.02.2024 16:25
LinkWhy? Why do you guys love this goat boy i dont get it!
Literally what is so appealing about a workacholic goat who rules all of hell and has the personallity of a Calculator??
23.02.2024 16:28
Linkis it his design? or something? like why out of all the big seven he's the one that gets the most love like oz i understand he's a queen but lucan?
like we have a cowboy a emo Rock-n-roll,a cute black baker and a wholesome bean with a bunny
and somehow you guys choose LUCAN?! the most boring person of the group? what is wrong with you guys XD
23.02.2024 16:43
Linkto be clear im not mad im just confused and SLIGHTLY annoyed...slightly
23.02.2024 16:56
Linkalso he doesnt like love or relasionships since a partner would be a distraction from his work and love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed and since he's a goat he does get ruts and he doesnt want to burden his partner.....But he is graysexual