- create flipbook animations online!
Wwyd w/the twins
23.10.2022 02:25
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Your oc and Daydream had noticed on how Nightmare and MJ's relationship had gone downhill, they were both becoming more violent with eachother, nightmare was more distant, one day though he diddnt return from his 'Date' with MJ, so you went with daydream to find him, after what felt like an hour of walking you saw an area with pointed spikes, one of them was covered in blood, you and daydream heard nightmare yelling, but it sounded pained, mixed with a bundle of rage, your oc could make out one sentence in the yelling 'IM NOT A MORON, I KNEW YOUR PLAN THE WHOLE TIME!' Both you and daydream ran over to the yelling to find a bloody nightmare hunched over, throwing up blood, and MJ, who was barely alive, a slash on his neck
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