i hate people's personalities
11.09.2019 21:41
we all know i'm scared of opinions.
but no matter how hard i try to man up to it, i just get wacked in the head with judgement.
everywhere i go, i feel like i'm being judged behind my back.
i hate it.
i hate it all.
it's scary to feel like people are fake around you. one second, they like you. next second, they're talking about you behind your back.
i look at how everyone looks at me because i'm the kid with trust issues. tries to get along with everyone so i can see if they're fake or not.
i know how people feel about me. the way they talk, act, treat me.
everyone that does these to me, i just want to kill them. i want to make sure they don't ever judge me and assume what i am, how i act.
sorry, i needed to vent.