does this only happen to me?
31.01.2020 09:34
Linkif i try to help somebody they get mad at me or get even more upset
but if i dont help everybody gets mad at me
wHaT Am I SuPpOsE To Do?
31.01.2020 09:36
Linki dont just mean on here btw
its because u say they could b lying
people have anger issues
like me
i get angry easly
noone can change who they are and no one can change them
its obvious
im sory for your friends..
no one ****ing deserves depression nor abuse or anything
i wish that animals would rule the world instead of humans
all humans on here are stupid
chopping down trees
taking water for coal mines
not letting poor kids have food suplies
i think that the world needs to explode and be ruled by animals