

20.02.2018 18:54
LinkMy uncle was talking to me recently. He doesn't know I'm Bi, neither does anyone in my family. He said...He said that if one of my brothers ended up being gay, it would be fine since one of our family friends is a gay dude. Well..he said that if I was lesbian, then he would disown me as his niece. He said if I was even Pan or Bi, he would disown me if I ended up with a girl. My family...is catholic. But I can't help but have feelings for other females, it's just something that happens. If you don't understand being Bi, we just...we feel the same attraction you feel to people of the opposite gender...to both genders. It's not something I can control. My uncle was being sexist, homophobic, and even racist, seeing as he said if I ended up with a black girl then it would be even worse. Why can't I just be who I want to be, without being disowned by my favorite uncle?

20.02.2018 18:58
LinkI'm pan, I know that feeling... I can't imagine! *sends virtual hug* you.... You should just be you. Don't be anyone but you!

20.02.2018 19:54

20.02.2018 19:56
LinkStay strong love!❤

20.02.2018 19:57
Link*virtual hugs*

20.02.2018 19:58
LinkTake a break/nap if you need to, sleeping usually helps :)

I'm also pansexual...I get it. My mom is the only family member than knows I'm not straight. She really freaked out when I told her that I told other people, like, A LOT!! And I got worried. And I have crushes on 3 OF MY IRL FRIENDS, wait no..4. I think one of them knows. If I was you,(DON'T ACTUALLY DO THIS OLIVIA!!) I'd fu**ing yell my heart out at your uncle, tell him that he's being a goda** sexist, that he just fricking appreciate you for who are, and that it's just fu**ing stupid that he's fine if one of your brothers is gay, but not fine with you being Pansexual or Bisexual. I just..wanna f***ing slap in his sexist homophobic, racist face.