Hot fanfic


07.06.2018 21:38

cailou had cancer BC he is bald and BC he wants to di. Barney was cailou’s stalker and Barney loved him. One day Barney visited cailou in the hospital BC he had cancer. He said “senpia~ will you be ded?” Then cailou did a dramatic anime swoop of the head and sed “senpia~ I wuv yoo” Barney blush and cri. “No senpia...” he sed. I will die too BC you love me so much..... “Barney senpia no!” Cailou said with tears in his eyes. “Ur too hot to di. Your bright purple turns me on” Barney blusht and cried. “Oh senpia!” Barney was cri but hugged cailou who was now ded BC he has cancer. Barney was sad