why is vyond so expensive!?
14.08.2020 12:52
Linki don't know why but why is vyond subscription is so expensive!,there's one which is called professional which cost $999/year while premium is $649/year and essential is $299/year,that makes it like rich man bought something but it was a scam even though the professional will make your vyond animation more hd or something but why would a animation subscription will cost $999/year,and if i was rich i will buy the premium not the professional and if you go to free trial and you only get 14 days to try it out for free,after 14 days,you had to buy the subscription and if you get free trial,there will be a water mark which will ruin your free trial animation,well screw it time to move to plotagon or papa louie pals cuz the pricing for a vyond subscription is BS!