rant about protagonists
31.12.2021 05:17
Linkimagine not having the first comment L
31.12.2021 05:17
Linki can delete comments so...
31.12.2021 05:18
Linkplease dont edwardnplease
31.12.2021 05:19
Linkhm... why not?
31.12.2021 05:20
Linkbecause yuor my favourite son i will buy you 8888888888888888888888800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 robux uwu
31.12.2021 05:33
Linkedward does that make me the main character because literally existing makes me nervous i feel like that line was a personal attack
31.12.2021 05:47
Linkno die
okay, why are protagonists so dislikable now? why are all the protagonists so shitty compared to the antagonist?? like bruh.
the one thing that pisses me off the most is when the protag (mostly female protags) is so ****ing nervous about EVERYTHING. like oh my ****ing god. please stop doing this. sure, you can make them nervous about things, but not so overdone.
so, i have watched a netflix series called Cursed. the protagonist is overly nervous about everything. sure, it's a war as per usual in medieval fantasy story anything. but oh my god, she literally is either weak or strong when the script needs her to be. she causes all her problems, could have saved people!
major spoiler but her mother literally was being attacked and she could have saved her life... this was first episode and in the same episode she takes on 5 ****ing wolves. what the hell?
okay onto the next problem i have.
now, let's get onto the second thing that annoys me to bits. terrible representation of minorities and marginalised groups.
media LOVES it's representation, yet doesn't think about execution. they seem to always make the villians white cishet men and the protagonist or the whole "good guys" team the opposite of cishet men. such as High Guardian Spice.
tried to watch it to see if it really was terrible, and it was. it ****ing sucks. i felt insulted when LGBT+ things came up. like, nobody likes it.
why do they give the protag such bad morals in media that tries to represent people??? how do you expect people to ****ing like them if they are written like this?
wanna include everyone? make the villians not just white cishet men too. research about it as well, like bruh. and get better writing skills just in case.
this is just terrible representation.
i hope i explained that clearly, anyways onto why the **** are protagonists bad people when they are shown as good people.
okay, no more ****ing questions to start the topic. i ****ing hate this. don't make the characters who are presented as "good guys" shitheads.
for some reason, antagonists always seem like a good guy whenever the protagonist has their spotlight. the protagonist is always so stuck-up, doesn't care for others, and is just generally dislikable.
i wish i had an example but there are way too many protagonists who are honestly, shitty people. also because i can't think of one right off the bat, but it happens, believe me, this shit happens a lot.
okay now we can talk protagonists lol.
okay but like P.S i generally don't like the terms "good guys" and "bad guys" in stories of any kind. that's why in my stories, you won't see that bullshit.
in EVSR, Eric and the Redlands morality depends on the readers perspectives. like how some Kings from Eric are shitheads, like Frett for example, and how some Lord of the Redlands is not a shithead, such as Allake as an example.