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Family Vent
03.02.2020 00:48
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I need to talk about this cause I just cried a whole bunch, I do this every once in a while. I'm putting this here cause my dad threatens me I keep thinking about a story and I cry everytime. One time my dad promised me that I could stay up til 3 AM when things got back to normal (We had family over) and when it died, I asked him, yelling up the stairs to him. He said no, and then I reminded that he promised me, then he screams back No, it scared me cause he had never yelled that loud before. So I went back to my room to sleep. 5 mins later, he busts into my room, yelling at me and I immediately start crying, he starts unhooking my pc and grabs it, and holds it. It is very heavy. He gets me cornered, yelling at me to clean my room and he says how much he just wants to hit me with my pc, making a quick movement like he was about to. I remembering yelling out no, then him yelling back. Im crying rn typing about it. It hurts so much to think about. Anyways, after he was done yelling at me he left with t
03.02.2020 00:48
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making a quick movement like he was about to. I remembering yelling out no, then him yelling back. Im crying rn typing about it. It hurts so much to think about. Anyways, after he was done yelling at me he left with the pc. I was still crying a lot and started picking up. Unfortunately he comes back, still yelling, with a trash bag. He makes me cry even more, then he leaves. I keep picking up my room, crying and ranting to myself, confused on why he was acting like this OVER SOMETHING HE ****ING PROMISED He comes back 15 minutes later, apologizing. I still cry every time I think about this. This has made me realize that even though he says he loves me, he will never act like he loves me. Which makes me question if he really does.
03.02.2020 00:48
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I wonder if I'll ever look in the mirror and be able to say that I'm happy. But I just cant. Hes given me so much sadness. Maybe it's my fault for being stupid, who knows. We had a big family fight months later, and my sister tried to get him to apologize for mentally abusing me a lot, the youngest child. He said he's not sorry. It hurt me...so much
03.02.2020 00:48
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Note, Everyone outside of my family doesn't care about me or lives states away, and we never just casually talk. Even my oldest sister. It would be weird to tell them. If they didn't believe my brother when he said he got abused my by dad, then they wouldn't believe me, even younger. I don't think their is any happy ending for me.
03.02.2020 00:51
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Dude tell the siblings And if that don’t work, do what i promised myself to do when they grow up and need you
03.02.2020 00:54
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I can't tell my sibings, they live miles away. Plus, the only sibling that lives with me already knows, and she hates my dad for it. We just can't do anything about it.
03.02.2020 01:01
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Ok rn everything is useless Now here’s my plan eveytime dads mentally abuse children, ignore all their cry’s for help when they grow too old to support themselves
03.02.2020 01:09
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I’m so sorry I’m emotionally hurt by my dad One time I was vacuuming my room While sitting down like an idiot And he came in and all I hear was something along these lines F***ING LAZY F*** YOU and it hurts me after months He swears to much and talks about how stupid I am and it really hurts I think I’m permanently messed up It’s not as bad as your situation but Atleast I know that I’m not the only one with this problem
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