Update on dinobrx drama


24.10.2018 21:53

Heeyyyyyyyyy everyonnnnnne guess who’s baaaaaack!!!!!
It’s ****ing dinobrx! Yaaaaaaay!!!!
Honestly, I’m tired of this shit.
So.... I ask dinobrx for proof of her cutting herself multiple times and she came up with some ecscuse every time. (For a summary of how it went go to the anim on the side)

So if you don’t know about this S P I C Y drama, long story short: dinobrx faked depression, cutting herself, ect. People told her to stop, and she freaked the hell out, and made her fans attack the people who tried to confront her. She says that she told her fans to stop attack the people even though she didn’t and only ever encouraged them. Currently atm, we are asking her for proof and she keeps making up reasons why she can’t provide proof (yet again, for a summary of how asking her for proof is going, look at the attached anim.)
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