- create flipbook animations online!
03.12.2021 04:46
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This is what happens when you play any music on any platform without the premium accounts because, of course I cannot afford a 5$ per month membership for your crappy audio. All I wanted was to sleep, not listen to your story about how you make country music. The only thing that isn’t as bad for ads would be SoundCloud, but of course there are some interruptions. But oh, why don’t you just refresh the page to remove the ads and listen to the songs? Well. Let’s start with the fact I physically, nor mentally cannot force myself to do anything when I am in the state of desperation for sleep or in the most comfortable sleeping position and will pass out in ten more seconds if I didn’t hear any bull crap about depression stick. The only ads I appreciate are the Home Depot ads, because we should all agree that they are absolute bangers. Enough about Home Depot and SoundCloud though. What about Spotify? Nope, bye. We are t talking about that. I do not want to talk about the six mcdonalds ads that play in a row.
03.12.2021 04:52
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YouTube is okay, for a platform, but I am still plagued by ads. It doesn’t matter where I go, I encounter one or two. Sometimes it’s unexpected too. I’ll be half asleep and the next thing I know there’s these dancing league of legend people on my screen with some loud music blaring in the background and I’ll cry. Sleep is something that is hard to obtain, so of course, my natural response would be to cry because I was literally about to pass out. Just add a pinch of hearing the house settle, or every slight movement of you moving in the sheets. Or maybe even the cars passing by. It just makes it ten times worse. thank you dear readers, enough of my bs, I should sleep now for I have tennis. And this is the end of orchestra crying at 10 PM about how they cannot sleep because I am interrupted by famous footwear ads after a cavetown song that I might have called asleep to if it didn’t appear.
03.12.2021 05:36
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As someone who cannot stand ads in music, I despise free Spotify and often use YouTube Playlist videos where I only have to deal with like 3 ads once during a hour or longer video, and after that, they don't appear on the next loop. Or I use sketchy music apps that let you basically have Spotify premium for free
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