my friend told me to do it

Pride from Sweet Sins

Golden Balloon Boi

Loving pig

New profile (again)


Cute Kitten :3
stop fetishing gay people 🧍


02.12.2021 17:48
Linkas a gay (queer?) man im disgusted by how fetishized we are holy shit

02.12.2021 17:49
Linkmaybe because im on the ace spectrum but please stop making you loving gay people your whole personality omfg

02.12.2021 17:51
Linkalso infantilizng uhhhh
we arent babies for liking the same gender pleaseeee

Whenever I see a person who makes being gay their entire personality it just disgusts me. I dont want people to right off the bat think about me "wow it's a gay dude he must have that one accent and he must have his hair like all the other gays and he must talk all the time about how hes gay!"
It sickens me, because not all lgbt people in general act stereotypical. And then these people make it their whole personality and just. Yucky. Go away.